[7] The Trek

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We had been walking the whole day, when the sun set we had source of light so we had to stop and rest. The moons were however, bright enough to illuminate the jungle enough for us to see what we were doing.

"Well, at least it's humid enough to keep a warm temperature for us while we sleep." I reassure as I sit down and pull out a water bottle from my pouch. "Oh?" Tia asks and I nod, "When I was training as a specialist I had to camp out on this planet for a few days. We really didn't need blankets because it was warm enough outside." I say and they nod.

"Can you set up a fire?" Igna asks and I shake my head, "I am capable but I don't want to give away our position to Imperial troops." I say and Marcel nods understandingly.

"I'll keep watch for half the night." I say as I look around for offers for someone to take the other half. "I'll take the second half." Marcel says and I nod. Then suddenly a twig snapped. We all turned our heads towards the direction. I grabbed my blaster and quietly got up. The rest of the group grabbed a weapon of choice and we all hid behind trees.

When I heard two pairs of footsteps get closer I appeared from behind the tree. "Don't shoot!" I heard a voice say and I got a better look at the two. Two rebel soldiers stood there with their hands up and I lowered my weapon. "Stand down." I said and I heard other guns behind me being lowered.

"Marcel?" One of the girls asked and I looked at Marcel. "Jamie." Marcel sighed in relief and the jogged over to one another and hugged each other. The other female walked over to me. "I'm specialist Opus." She said and I nodded, "Officer Y/N." I said as I shook her hand. "There were two others.. but.." She trailed off and the other spoke up.

"They were shot by Imperials." She said and she held out her hand. "I'm troop Jamie, Marcel's sister." She said as we shook hands. "Officer Y/N." She sighed in relief, "Thank god we ended up with a leader." She said and I nodded.

"Imperials are already on this planet then?" I ask and Opus nodded. "This attack had to have been planned." She said and I nodded. "Who would have told them our position?" I question and everyone stands there for a moment, thinking.

"Was it the rebels on Tattooine?" Jamie asked and I shook my head. "No, Officer Aleshia and I rescued them before Imperials reached them. There has to be someone else." I sighed and I looked up at everyone. "Lets all get some rest. We have a lot of travelling to do tomorrow." I say and they all nod.

"I can help keep watch." Opus said and I nodded as I motioned her to follow.

[Half way through the night]

I walked over to Marcel as Opus walked over to Jamie. I gently shook Marcel. "Hey, wake up. It's your turn." I whisper and he softly groans and gets up. I went over to my spot and lied down. When I shut my eyes I suddenly heard distant screaming. I bolted up as did the rest of the crew. We then heard blasters and everyone scrambled up as we grabbed our belongings.

"Let's go let's go!" Marcel said motioning us over and I shook my head, "We need to help them." I said out of instinct. "Are you crazy?" Igna asked and I looked around. "No we need to go." Opus said and I looked back and shook my head. I ran in the direction and they all whispered me to come back.

I kept running to the direction of the screaming. Then as I got closer I slowed my pace to become more quiet. "If you don't quiet down now I'll blast you!" I heard someone say and when I looked closer I saw two Imperial troopers threatening a woman. I felt a tap and I jumped and turned around with my gun.

I saw Opus with a finger on her mouth telling me to be quiet and I silently let out a sigh of relief. Opus then mouthed, "You take left I'll go right." I nodded and then added. "On three blast em." Opus then smiled and nodded. We then split up and hid behind some trees, opposite of one another.

I then peeked out of the corner, we then both used our fingers to count '1.. 2.. 3..' We then both blast the troopers in the head, knocking them both down instantly. The woman frantically looked around. We both rushed out to her. "Are you alright?" I asked and she looked at both Opus and I.

She let out a breath-y 'yeah'. What's you're name rebel?" I asked and she gulped. "Troop Hollie." She said and I nodded. "I'm Officer Y/N and that's specialist Opus." I said and she nodded.

"I know something." She said and I looked at her curiously. "We need to get out of here fast though." She says and Opus and I nod. We help her up and we all sprint the opposite way.

Once we finally reach a safe space we sit down. I give Hollie some water and she gulps it down and then hands it back. "The Imperials, this was an organized attack on us. They're planning on killing everyone at the meeting spot." She says worriedly. "How do you know this?" Opus asked and Hollie looked over at Opus. "I heard those Imperials talking, so when I was going to contact Princess Leia I was caught." Hollie says and I furrow my eyebrows.

"You have contact with Leia." Hollie nodded and pulled out her communicator. "Contact her now, I have a better place to meet up." I say and she nods.

Hollie then contacts Princess Leia, "Specialist Hollie, are you alright?" She asked and she nodded. "I was saved by Officer Y/N and Specialist Opus." She reported. Leia turned as if she were speaking to someone. Then Leia turned around, "May I please speak privately with Officer Y/N?" She asked and Hollie nodded.

Hollie handed her communicator and I grabbed it, I stood up and walked a few feet to have more of a private conversation. "Princess Organa, is Luke and Aleshia alright?" I ask and she hums in response, "Yes Officer Y/N, you can call me Leia, although here is Luke."

"Y/N?" I hear Luke's voice and I sigh in relief, "Luke." I say and he sighs in relief as well. "I'm glad to finally hear your voice." He says and I smile slightly, "Being glad to hear your's is an understatement for me." I say and he chuckles. "Listen Y/N I don't know how far you are from the meeting spot-" I suddenly remember what I needed to tell Leia, Luke and Aleshia. "Oh Luke! I'm sorry but the Imperials know about the meeting spot." I say and he clears his throat.

"What? How?" He asks and I sigh, "Luke they were on the planet when we all landed." I say and he groans, "This was all orchastrated from the beginning." He says and I hum in agreement. "Listen, there's this training base on this planet I used to train at when I was getting my Specialist badge. It's abandoned now but its still standing as strong as ever. That could be the new meeting point." I say and I could practically hear the smile on Luke's face.

"Y/N you're a genius." He says and I giggle, "I'll inform Leia, Aleshia wants to talk to you." He says and there was a bit of a pause. "Y/N please stay safe so I can see you again alright?" He asks and I sigh, "I ask the same of you Luke." I say and he hums, "May the force be with you Y/N." He says and I reply, "May the force be with you Luke."

Then there was another pause and I hear another familar voice, "Y/N?" Aleshia asks and I smile, "Aleshia." I say and she sighs in relief just as Luke had done. "Thank the force, are you alright?" She asks. "Of course Aleshia." I say and she gives another sigh of relief.

"Good, stay safe you hear me?" She says and I chuckle, "I hear ya sis." I could hear a breathy laugh from her end of the communicator. "I've got to go good luck." She says and I hum in response, "Same to you Aleshia." We both say our goodbyes and I hang up.

I walk back over to Opus and Hollie. "So?" Opus asks standing up. I handed the communicator back to Hollie. I then swung my bag over my shoulder and I noticed dawn was breaking. "Our routes have changed ladies."


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