[8] Changing Direction

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It was Opus, Hollie, and I. Travelling through the dense jungle we had little to nothing left. "We're nearly there." I reassure them. I finally move a bush out of the way and I see a small bit of the abandoned metal shelter. "There!" I whisper/yell and we all quietly walk over to it. I walk to the entrance and look for a way in. I sigh and turn around. "I don't know how to get in." I say and the two girls sigh.

"Wait, wasn't there tales of secret keypads lying around on bases like these?" Hollie asked and Opus raised an eyebrow. "Yeah tales, I highly doubt it's true." Opus says and I shrug. "What's the harm in looking?" I ask and the girls nod. We all begin to search until a few moments later when Hollie says "Hey! I think I found something." Opus and I then jog over to her, and between two rocks lied a keypad with a cover the same color as the rocks.

"What would the key be then?" Opus asked. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Uh, try 0445." I say and Hollie types it in. Then the doors begin to creak and they then open it. "How did you know that?" Hollie asked and I turn to her. "It was the month and year they opened." I say and she nods. We then walk into the abandoned bunker and look around. "Everything is just how it was when I left." I say with a sad sigh.

Just then we hear a snap from outside. We all nearly just about jump out of our skins but we all become silent. We then creep to the front and hide, blasters in hand. "This is where they told us to go?" I hear a familiar voice, Igna. "I'm guessing so." Tia replies and I step out. I saw the group of people I know jump as I stood out and hold up their guns I instantly said, "Don't shoot!"

"Y/N?" Marcel asked and I smiled. I then noticed they had grown into quite a large group, with more pairs of people than I had seen before. "You guys made it." I smile and Tia smiles and walks over and hugs me. "I'm so glad you guys are safe." I saw Jamie go over and hug Opus as we all reunited I asked to privately speak with Marcel.

"Did Leia contact you then?" I ask and he nods. "Listen, I didn't want to start up a riot by others knowing that there are starships here. Just in case I need you to help me prep them for our commanders alright? If anyone knew they might try to steal them." I say and Marcel nods.

"Smart plan." He says and I smile and nod, "We need to find the power source to this though." I say as I look around. "Well, because of the way this bunker is designed I'm gonna guess it's in the command center." He suggests and I nod. "To the command center then." I say and I lead him there.

I knew this place like the back of my hand from the many years I spent here. Once we reached the command center Marcel went to one of the panels. He then looked under the panel and exclaimed, "Aha!" Then I heard him move a few things and I heard a 'click'.

The bunker then suddenly came to life. I grinned and Marcel stood up. "We should go get back to the others." I say and he nods. We then go to the main room and I noticed there were more rebels than before. "I think you should introduce yourself officer." Marcel says and I sigh and nod.

I then stand up on a box. "Rebels!" I call out to first get their attention. Once I have the mass's attention I continue to speak. "I am Officer Y/N, I am as well a trained Specialist and mechanic." I say and I see a few nodding heads.

"Last word I recieved from Princess Leia Organa, and Commander Luke Skywalker was last night. All for them is well, now we must prepare to leave the planet on Princess Organa's order, for now I want you to stay here, be on stand incase we have an issue." I say and they nod. I get off the box and Marcel walks up to me. "Might as well mark off public speaker on your list huh?" Marcel jokes and I chuckle. "I guess so." I say. Then as if on cue Opus and Jamie jog up to us. "Y/N, some rebels say there were markings on the trees near the original meeting spot to meet at this bunker." Opus says and I nod.

"Good, that way most rebels will have a better chance of getting here." I say and they nod. Then Igna and Tia come up to us. "Y/N we found some coms, maybe you can commuicate with Princess Leia." Tia says as she hands them to me.

"Marcel, come with me to the command room, Opus, go find Hollie and I want you two to meet me in the command room as well." I say as I take the coms and I walk to the command center. "Marcel can you hook this up to the hologram?" I ask and he nods, as he's hooking it up Hollie and Opus enter the room. Just then a hologram comes up on the center of the large device.

I walk up to it, "Princess Organa." I say as she appears through hologram before us. "Y/N, good work, how many rebels have arrived to the bunker?" She asks and I look at Opus. "Please go do a head count." I say and she nods and leaves. "Princess Leia, we've collected a large sum of rebels. How soon will you be arriving?" I ask. "We are minutes away, we have a plan as well. I was able to come in contact with other people of the Rebellion and they will be sending a transport ship. We will have to leave quickly so make sure everyone is ready to go. The ship should arrive by the time Luke, Aleshia, and I arrive." She says and I nod.

Opus comes in and and whispers, "116." she says and I nod. "I just got the headcount and we have a sum of 116 rebellion soldiers." I say and she nods. "Good, we are the final rebels then. See you soon Officer Y/N and may the force be with you." She says and I repeat her last bit back.

The hologram shuts off and I turn around. "Well ladies and gents, lets get everyone prepped and ready to leave."


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