Christmas Eve-Eve

Start from the beginning

"How's it being a father like an actual father?"

"In a way you are one though not biologically, you are still looking after them like a father should so I wouldn't say there's anything different besides the type of blood relationship. Anybody can make a baby that doesn't make them a parent. It's really about the love that you put into the child and effort to raise them right."

"Point taken. It just makes me sad to have to explain to them why they have just me."

"It's better to have one person than nobody," I said before hearing the knob to my front door turn. I can only assume that it's Kane since he's the only one with a key.

"What's goodie?," He said as he came to where I was and grabbed his plate that I had placed on the counter then dapped up Dallas and I," happy christmas eve- eve."


"Amia had me watch friends with her before she left."

"Don't act like you didn't love it," I said teasing him.

"To keep it a stack with ya, I did."

"I know you did because your lowkey whipped," I said as I made a whipping motion with my hand.

"I am not whipped. Maybe lightly tapped but not whipped," Dallas and I just laughed. I ain't nsver heard any nigga say that before and I'm sure Dallas hasn't either.

"Whatever man. You know when she's going to be back?"

"She's hoping to be here by Christmas but it's looking like sometime after."

Amia's record label had her promoting the hell out of her new album. Constant radio interviews, tv appearances,and she was asked to headline at some music festival in Europe so she's been busy these past few weeks that we've barely talked to her and I can tell he missed her. What he doesn't know is she'll be at my christmas eve party tomorrow. I discussed it with her yesterday and she told me that once she finished up then she should come back down here and she wanted to surprise him, so I suggested doing it here.

"I'm sure she'll find a way. You know how Amia is."

"True,"he said before I heard a knock at my door and was greeted with the sight of Kellz along with Talyee.

"Wassup where the food at?," I heard Talyee say as he tried to reach for Kane plate but Kane quickly pulled that back.

"You obviously lost your damn mind if you think that you was finna eat off my plate," Kane stated and I just started making Talyee and Kellz plates.

"Aye," Taylee said then whistled," who snow bunny over here?," he said trying to whisper to us.

"Nigga you have a mouth, don't be scary."

"Aye who you?," he directed towards Dallas.

"I'm Dallas. I'm a friend of Zy and I guess a friend by association to Kane and Kellz. Who you?"

"A child of GODT!," Tay said and Kellz just smacked him on the back of his head.

"This dumb ass right here is Taylee. The annoyance," kellz said as he shook Tay's shoulders but Tay shook it off and squared up with him jumping around a little bit.

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