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"The world is not for me, I am for the world." This was the motto we created when we started this battle together, though mine already started eversince the world heard my first cry.

I am Blue, and my real name is unknown. I am indeed a product of a dark set-up. A young soul tortured by the harsh reality with an innocent mind broken at such an early age.

Human race has never been good to me. Everyday is a survival game, though the world war series has been long gone. I have never felt loved nor did I know what it really felt like.

My childhood memories are vivid that I can't even remember how I came this far. All I know is my beginning is from an orphanage, and though the sisters are good, not everyone is genuinely kind. Sometimes it made me wonder why they even spent their lives being one when obviously they lack dedication.

I am hopeless.

Those were the only words that can define me perfectly. You can throw your negativity on me, I'll accept it without a hiss. But as a natural human being who is made to live, I seek to find meaning for everything just to keep me from waking up the next day.

There were lots of days when I nearly died out of hunger, but I never pitied myself. My will to live is as thin as a thread, but for some reason our creator kept me going. Whenever I feel that ache on my stomach, I'll just shut my eyes until sleep gnaws at me. But then as usual, my eyes will still pop open the next morning without my consent.

Then I'll get up, accept the pain and just move on without thinking what's next. Maybe humans are made to be masochists, because no matter how my emotions say I'm done with the unfairness of this world, my body keeps working and letting me breathe, telling me something I never want to figure out but still pushing me to figure out until I understand and accept.

Yes, I was emotionally tortured by society and was physically abused by some, but I'm mentally strong.

I never wish for a better world as I know how greedy brains work. I know how unfair life is, and I know someone like me will not even make a difference. Even if I do the extreme of the extreme, nothing will change.

Some might be enlightened, but once reality kicks in again, that ray of sunshine will be gone in a split second.

Green always says there's no gray area, but I think there is. I am not afraid to take sides, but once you accept the crudeness of the universe, the calmness it gave you no matter who wins, or who's right, is my definition of gray.

It's not the matter of black and white since one way or another both will have a point which benefits the argument and prove their stand making both sides correct. For me the epitome of accepting these facts are the real deal and equivalent to peace.

In the end all of us were just wishing for the better or for some ideologist, for the best. I think once you reach this level of acceptance in life, that's when you can already dedicate and commit yourself to fixing our mother Earth, though all we need to do is stay still to let it heal itself.

The whole galaxy had never been good to me, but never once in my life did I hate our forgotten mother. Maybe this is because I lack in the family aspect that I don't even know how to care for a real mother, but ever since I turned 10, I already pledge that I will do no harm to our Earth as she's the only one giving me a free gate pass to live.

I lived in the countryside when my foster family adopted me and I came to know the beauty of nature when I decided to leave that house and just run for my life. I was indeed literally raised in the forest for I don't know how long without anything with me. That's when I realize that we are the problem. Our creator created us not to be a creator. He has given us everything, but just because of greed and rebelling with the flow of nature, slowly we destroy not only ourselves but also the law of nature.

I can definitely say that this is not what he wanted, and the sole reason why our salvation never comes. The creator is punishing us to the extent that he no longer cares if our mother will die. We are all parasites, and we need to accept and at least be a good one.

At least.

That's why even though my effort will enlighten others for a short while, at least at some point of their lives they knew that mother Earth needed love and affection too. AT LEAST, for once even though it's short they'll give flying kisses to her just to appreciate and somehow give her strength to also keep going.

And so these murals, this art is my battle cry.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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