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It was already in the middle of the night, and as a normal diurnal being, I was now lying on my bed, with only my bedside lamp light up. It has been almost more than 30 minutes since I went to my adult size crib, and as obscure as it seems, up until now my brain was still working even if I repeatedly close my eyes to rest.

Something vague inside was bothering me, and there was only one name that keeps popping in my head.


Bringing her up, a flash of today's scenes suddenly played like a trailer movie behind my eyes.

There was nothing special happened between us, instead, we just spend our time together washing all her T-shirts, bleaching it to make them look new again, and hanging them after, under the beaming sunlight.

Her place was quite big for one person, especially that she doesn't have a lot of things with her. She has her own living room and a room that has a bed that could occupy two to three people.

Of course, my initial move was to ask her basic questions like, where was she from, what was her age, what does she do for a living and so on and so ford, BUT no matter what  'Qs,' I threw at her, they'll just pile up and turned into an absolutely absurd jokes.

She didn't tell me anything! I even failed to get her contact number. All she does was preached about humanity, how we should live less, how politics and laws are good, but the only problem were the people who were running it, and most of all she always repeats that the only thing that lacks in our world is the word, "RESPECT."  I actually enjoyed all of those, since it got me inspired, but the bad thing was, I forgot my real intention.

I took a deep breath, remembering how such of a loser I am. I felt betrayed at some point, knowing that she might not taking me seriously.

"Man, that's okay, I just need to show her something better."


Something better Lee Seonghwa. You still have a lot of cards under your sleeves.


Why am I being so attached to this thought? Why am I still getting curious and fascinated about her all at the same time, though she kept on stepping my pride without even being sensitive? Why am I so desperate?


What do I even want to get after this?


Everything was making me dizzy all of a sudden, that I ended up clearing my mind. I don't want to confirm anything yet, considering that it was too early for me to affirm things, but wouldn't it be good to find her attracted to me? Was that even possible?

I contemplated for a second, before a devilish smile formed on my face, as I imagine her cheeks glowing with red roses while intently staring at me.

Gray let's make the other shade of your color fall for you, but for now.

Please sleep.


It was a normal day in aomg, and I am busy doing a track with Hyukwoo and Kiseok hyung behind me sitting pretty on the couch near my chair. This was actually the usual routine, and both of them were listening carefully, patiently waiting for the end product.

I am completely done after combining some beats, but of course the instrumental still needs a lot of polishing, and I need their opinions about it so I could turn it to something all of us could enjoy. 

"Hyung, how come your music gets better every day?"

"Hahaha, really?" I laughed at how Hyukwoo praised me like a child who just watched a magic show.

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