Her Veil

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The radiance of the sun was striking slightly on my swollen face as I stopped my car on the same spot where we had left the girl from hell. Should I call her by her right name now? Green? But that doesn't sound right, considering that we're not close, and I don't even know if I'm older than her.

Anyhow, I was in the open parking lot of the hotel, just beside the building. The soreness was still roaming around my body, and my head was spinning a bit from being plastered last night. Aigoo, I really should have controlled my bottles.

I cool down my nerves for a little while and check my watch on my phone. It was already 9:30 am in the morning, and if you're wondering what the heck am I even doing here, well... This might sound crazy, but Kiseok hyung woke me up at around 7:00 am when he called just to order me to pick her up for our company's late breakfast!

It was so early back then that I didn't even realize I said yes! And I freakin' tried to call him back when I finally grasp the situation, but all I've got were hang-ups and a text message saying, "We are all looking forward to your mission today! I LOVE YOU SEONGHWA ZZING~ Thank you for everything that you've done for me! Love love love! Muah! ^^"

So here I am doing the so-called "mission" he was saying, without even having the right to complaint... But to be honest, I'm kind of looking forward to this meeting, considering how attractive that Green was plus this will be our solo time. Yes! No Jay Park in the morning mate!

I started walking right into the entrance and headed straight to the counter where a young lady attendant greeted me. She was glowing with her neatly done makeup and hairstyle, showing me her refreshing smile as I approached her.

"Good morning sir, how can I help you?"

"Uhm..." I cleared my throat first, to avoid cracking up when I talk.

"I'm here for Miss Green Cuppino."

"What room number sir?"

Her question put me in a hole and so, I pulled down my mask to reveal the other half of my face, letting my charm lure her. I even leaned on the desk to reduce the gap between us.

"Ahaha, 'bout that-errmm, I'm not so sure, maybe 048? Can you check it for me?" I'm obviously guessing, while I gave her my killer cute smile. She froze, as a paint of pink brush traces on her cheeks. Well, my face doesn't disappoint, but though I am aware that I had an effect on her, I've observed that she was still very leery and couldn't answer right away, so I did my second attack.

"Pretty please?" I said making my tone as sweet as possible. Fck! What am I even doing?

I find the situation very awkward, especially that I don't use my face to deceive people. I confess, a lot of them says I'm very good-looking with my dozy eyes, cool brows, heart shape face, perfect convex nose, peach thin lips and so on and on and on... I practically don't want to overly describe myself, 'cause I'm not handsome, I just do know that I'm not ugly either.

I think It was just how the media presented us. They made us look very classy and ideal, which was obviously also a part of our job. Even my sweat and fart should smell so good, so fans will crawl crazy loving us. They were the consumer, and I am the producer, that's a matter of fact. I sell not only my music but also my name.

I don't want to sound hypocrite, so I'd honestly say that we really do need a lot of people who was willing to spend their money on us in order for us to be recognized. And being an artist in Korea where the majority of people were all about the looks, I also couldn't help but to buy expensive products for the maintenance of my almost perfect body. I do have the money anyway, and It was really one of the easiest and fastest way to attract crowds.

My Kind of BITCHDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora