"But they don't hate you, Isla I promise. They care about you." I try to explain to her, but it falls on deaf ears.

"Isla, you've got to be kidding. You are Hayden's entire world." Nick says while gently rubbing her arm. "Luke cares for you deeply too."

Isla sobs uncontrollably. "I can't be his world, Nick. Don't you see? I've caused Hayden and Luke nothing but pain. I wasn't supposed to be Hayden's. I was supposed to be with Luke, but I screwed it all up by falling for Hayden."

I ease myself on to Isla's bed where I'm sitting next to her. "Do you love Luke?"

She nods her head, "But not in the way he wants me to love him. I can't love him like that anymore, because I love Hayden."

"I'm not understanding the problem here then. If you love Hayden, why can't you be with him?"

"Because I'll lose Luke. I can't lose Luke." Isla's breathing starts to become shallow and her monitors start to go off.

"Get help, Nick!" I scream.

Nick runs out of the room in search of help while I stay with Isla. I rack my brain trying to figure out how to help my best friend, but nothing comes to mind. Thankfully, two nurses run in with Nick following behind them.

One of the nurses is holding a large syringe that has a clear liquid in it. She hooks it to Isla's IV and soon the medication is running into Isla's arm. Feeling uneasy standing here, I start to walk away, but Isla grabs my hand. "Don't leave me." She whispers before falling asleep.

"The two of you should go. It was just a panic attack, but the medication will make her sleep for a while." The nurse who held the syringe says.

This nurse has to be kidding. My best friend just told me not to leave her. I'm not going anywhere. They'll have to pry my lifeless dead body off of her first. "I'm not going anywhere." I say while glaring at the nurse.

The nurse looks pissed. "Whatever." She huffs as she walks out of the room.

Nick walks over to me and kisses my forehead. "That's my girl!" He says proudly. "I'm going to go find the guys and talk to them about what's going on. She has to come around on seeing everyone else. She can't completely reject seeing Luke and Hayden. It will crush both of them."

"She's just confused and scared, Nick" I whisper to him, as I climb up on the bed next to Isla again. "Babe, when Tyler and my brother get back, can you bring me some food? I would get it myself, but I'm never leaving my best friend's side."

"Of course." Nick rolls his eyes playfully at me before kissing me on the lips. "I love you!"

"I love you too."

Nick's POV

I exit Isla's room and bump into Killian and Tyler in the hallway. "Thank goodness y'all brought the food. Sofia's hungry."

"Well, tell her to come on. We're all going to eat together in my room. I bought a PS4 while we were out so we could play games while waiting for Isla to wake up." Tyler says.

"About that..." I laugh nervously. "Sofia won't be joining us in your room to eat."

"And why is that?" Killian asks.

"Because she's with Isla and refuses to leave her side." I say, grinning like a mad man.

Both Killian and Tyler's jaws drop. They then both start jumping up and down, dancing like monkeys in the hallway. Hmmm... Did they draw their age out of a hat today like I do?

Soon Luke and Hayden walk up and stare at our two friends, who I think may be monkeys with the way they're acting. I wonder if I should offer them bananas...

"What's going on?" Hayden asks in total confusion.

Killian, still doing his little jig turns around and says, "My sister is with Isla. Isla is awake!" Now that I think about it maybe Killian is a leprechaun. I can already picture him now dancing in a funny green hat. That should so be his Halloween costume next year.

Now all four of my friends are jumping up and down and dancing in the hallway. I wonder if this is what me and Sofia normally look like when we're acting crazy. I clear my throat trying to gain everyone's attention. "She's not awake anymore." Everyone stares at me as their faces drop.

"But... I thought you said Sofia was in there. Did y'all just go in there without Isla being awake? I should have known better than to leave the two of you alone. Y'all never follow the rules." Killian starts to ramble.

"First," I say holding out one finger. "Of course, we never follow the rules. Second, she was awake when we went to visit her. Not my fault the new nurse didn't know we were supposed to wait for a while to visit her after she woke up." I mumble the last part quietly to myself.

"Why isn't she awake, and when can we see her?" Luke questions.

Yikes. How the hell am I supposed to tell them that she doesn't want to see them? "Well, you see." I gulp nervously. "Shedoesntwanttoseeanyofyall. EspeciallyHaydenandLuke." I rush out so fast. Hmmm. If I can speak that fast maybe I should be an auctioneer.

All four of my friends are just looking at me trying to figure out what I said. Sadly, the only one that seems to know what I said is Hayden. Tears start rushing out of his eyes as he backs into a wall and slides onto the ground. Killian, Tyler and Luke look at him confused not realizing, what's going on.

"What's going on, Hayden?" Luke asks with fear lace through his voice.

With red puffy eyes, Hayden looks at Luke. "Nick said she doesn't want to see us. Especially you and me." Hayden then just stares at the wall.

It's like the wires connect in everyone's head as they all look at me. "You're kidding right?" Luke shouts. You're fucking kidding, Nick." I shake my head.

"I'll explain everything, but can we please get out of the hallway. The nurses are already distressed that Sofia is with her, and I don't want them to make Sofia leave. Isla needs her." Everyone agrees and follows me into the room that I'm staying in.

Hayden looks like he's on the verge of a break down and Luke doesn't look much better. "What happened?" Tyler growls at me, annoyed with how long it's taking me to tell them.

I explain in detail everything from the nurse not knowing that we weren't supposed to go in there yet, all the way to them having to sedate Isla due to her panic attack. "So, she doesn't want to see me?" Tyler says angrily.

I sigh. "She didn't want to see Sofia or me either, but we were able to finally get her to realize that we love her. I think it will be the same for you and Killian. Luke and Hayden are going to be the ones who really have problems."

Hayden and Luke are both at their breaking points. There has to be some way to get Isla to at least talk to both of them. Hayden grabs my shirt. "Please, please you have to let me see her when she wakes up. I love her, Nick. Give me a chance to speak to her. I can make her change her mind." Hayden begs.

Luke then walks up to Hayden and pulls him off of me. "Is there any way you can talk her into seeing Hayden?" Luke asks. I'm in complete shock that even Luke wants Isla to talk to Hayden. "Look I know I messed up, but I do love Isla and Hayden is one of my best friends. I want them to be happy and they make each other happy."

A wave of happiness passes through me to know that Luke and Hayden are friends once again. "I'll try my best, but Killian and Tyler should see her first. If she can at least accept the two of them, then you two might stand a chance."


A/N: Don't forget to comment, vote and follow me! ~KarenJ128~

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