Can't See Myself without You

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Alfie's P.O.V:

I ran my finger's through's Zoe's hair and watched her as she slept silently on my shoulder. Her nose twitched and I smiled to myself and kissed her forehead. I saw her smile in her sleep and it made me wonder what she was dreaming about, was it about us? I dream about us a lot....

Sadly she's probably dreaming about her boyfriend. If he was here he would probably beat the shit out of me. He never liked Zoe and I's friendship just because he knows I like Zoe as more than a friend, even though all she sees us as is just friends.

I don't see why she likes him, he controls her and who she can hang out with. I was really surprised to she her at my flat this afternoon. She told him she was hanging out with Louise and I guess he got in some huge fight because he doesn't even like Louise. He says she is taking Zoe away from him and I think that's just selfish. I get why he wants to be with Zoe, I don't know who wouldn't want to be with her all the time, but even so she has to have her own space and friends. You can't just take that away from a person.

I was kicked out of my thoughts as Zoe lifted her head and my hand fell down her arm. She rubbed her eyes and yawned slightly.

"What time is it?" She asks and looks at me with sleepy eyes.

"Almost 1 am." I say and run a finger up her arm slowly.

"Why are you still awake?" She looks at the tv and sees it's still playing the movie we put in earlyer. "Oh..."

"I actually wasn't watching it. I was thinking." I said and she looked at me with a tilted head. I know she is about to ask me what I was thinkig about just from this action so I just continue talking "Just about life. You know my family, our friends, but mainly you."

She smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Can I ask you something?" I say and look at her eyes. They're so bright and beautiful, just like her.

"Yeah. Shoot."

"Why are you with him? I can see he's no good for you."

She looks down and sighs.

" I knew you would ask this.... "

I watch her and she stares at her legs for a long time and than finally looks back at me.

"I just wanted love, he gave it to me."

"But there are so many better guys though!" I grabed her hand and looked in her eyes. "Like me."

She smiles and looks down again.

"I know that now, that's why we got in a fight last night. I told him I wanted to break up."

What. They brokeup....does that mean.... she likes me too? Or is she just finally strong enough to get that jerk out of her life? Either way I am happy for her.

I stay silent for a while and she looks at me.


I look up and she smiles at me and I can't help but smile back. She leans in slightly and after a moment our lips are connected and all I can think is I finally got the love of my life.

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Boom Zalfie. Hope you enjoyed it. ^-^

Life update:

Currently sitting in my room with a huge head ach and some 50mph winds outside making it sound like my house s being blown apart.

I had my first day of my second trimester of my 10th grade school life today. It was alright. I got switched to a new math class but so did most of my class. (The guy that calls me pretty got switched too and now I sit with him. He likes to distract me and when I asked him why he told me because he wants me to look at him so he can look at my face.) I am sort of annoyed at my 4th hour though. I was supposed to have a class I was really looking forward too sih a teacher I love but I got switched out last minute and put into a fashion class I never signed up for. I don't want to sew shit...also my french class has lots of annoying people in it. So yay school, you make my life happy! (Not really)

For anyone that wants to know, the photo I added is the Dan and Phil poster I made in my photoshop class. I got it back from my teacher about two weeks ago and I LOVE IT! I can pet their faces when ever I want... I mean... nothing o-o

Question thingie:

What is the most random fact you know?

My fact I know is that if you turned all the America's sideways it would look like a duck.

But yeah this head ache is killing me so I'm going to go now.Comment shipping pairs and shit and I will see you all next update.


(If you want my media crap here:

Kik: Kirkpatm

Snapchat: kirkpat88

Instagram: Jordin Kp

Twitter: @Jordin_Kp

(Just tell me you are from my wattad story or else I feel like random stalkers are after me o-o)

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