Memories (Tyler Oakley and Troye Sivan)

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I know, I know, I needed to do a request but I've just been too busy to look hem up with all this crap in my life. And I'm not writing a one-shot about someone until I know some stuff about them so you don't get mad at me for getting fats wrong or something! I'll do my best to get a request in soon!

Anyways, on either the story!


It's been a few months since it happened... Thinking of it brought back the memories... it hurt, the memories that is...I wish that night went different so it never would of happened...

"Troye, are you okay?" Tyler whispered in my ear quietly.

"Yeah, just thinking." I said snuggling against his chest and resting my head on it.

"Please tell me your not thinking about it again..." Tyler asked sadly as he wrapped his arms around me tightly.

I stayed there quietly just staring at the random movie on the TV unable to speak. I couldn't lie to him, but I also didn't want to tell him I was thinking about it.

He sighed quietly knowing the answer and kissed the top of my head. We sat quietly not really watching the movie as I closed my eyes. I took in Tyler's scent and loved it knowing he was mine and no one else's.

The movie must have ended because I heard the click of the remote telling me Tyler had turned off the TV. I opened my eyes and looked at Tyler so see him smiling at me, I couldn't help but smile back at that smile.

"What are we doing now?" I asked.

"I don't know," He said shrugging slightly. "Wanna go get dinner?"

"Sure." I said lifting my head up from his chest and stretched. His arms stayed wrapped around me and pulled me closer to him and he looked at me right in the eyes.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck bringing our faces together some.

"I love you." Tyler said quietly kissing my nose.

"I love you too." I said back before pressing my lips to his. It was a short kiss but super sweet and gentle. One of the best kisses we've ever shared.

Tyler stood up suddenly and grabbed my hands and pulled he up. He grabbed my hand in his and walked me out to his car. I sat in the car as Tyler shut my door and headed to the other side as I buckled myself. Tyler got in and to drive after buckling himself.

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through twitter and commented on a few tweets. I put my phone back in my pocket and looked up, we were pulling into the restraunt.

'Good timing Troye,' I thought to myself as Tyler parked.


I held onto Troye's hand as I walked out towards the car with him. It was a wonderful dinner at one of my favorite restaurants with my favorite person in the world.

I was talking about some random video idea I had when Troye stopped walking and stared at something in the distance. His eyes widened  and he squeezed my hand very tight.

I recognized this look right away, the memories were coming back... It hurt to think about how much  it hurt Troye... I don't want to even think about what's going on in Troye's head...

"Troye, let’s go to the car..." I said  running him towards me. His eyes seemed to relaxed slightly at the sight of me but faded quickly.

I walked him to the car still holding his hand. I opened the backseat door knowing I needed to hold him and I couldn't do that very well with the armrest in between us in the front seat.

I sat down and pulled Troye onto my lap before shutting the door. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close to me trying to calm him. He put his face in my chest and I felt him shake lightly. I whispers quiet things in his ear as I rubbed circles on his back.

We stayed like this for a few minutes before Troye started to calm down. I kissed the top of his head and could feel he had stopped shaking. He lifted his tearstained face and looked at me and smiled slightly.

"Thank you," He said in a sad filled voice.

"Anything for you," I said as I wiped some tears off his red face and kissed his nose.

"I don't know what I would do without you." Troye said with a larger smile on his face.

"I don't know, maybe fangirling over Beyonce alone in your room." I joked.

"Maybe." Troye said chuckling lightly.

His chuckle made me giggle because it was Troye and that’s all the reason I need.

I feel the same way though, without Troye I don't know what I would do... I didn't think about that though because I have Troye and I don't plan on losing him.


Author's note:

That was a Troyler story I came up with on my bus ride to school the other morning. Hope you liked it because I liked it! I am trying to write some longer one shots for you all because I think it might make my writing better.

So this I was thinking might be turned into a book so it made more since cus there's stuff with the memories that I didn't put in this one shot. So tell me if you'd read a book like that! Or if you don't want a book than guess what the memories come from if you want.

Again sorry this wasn't a request, I have too much crap in my life right now!!!! >. <

But still comment shipping or ideas or themes for my future one-Shot and I'll do my best to do them. Also feel free to comment spelling error and I will do my best to fix those also! (Since I have horrible spelling and grammar! >. <)

Also I hate to say this but I want to say that I will not update until I get 3 NEW comments that will help me with my story or tell me what you think of my writing. And this is 3 new comments from 3 different people. Sorry if this upsets you cus I know it upsets me when people do this but really it would be nice if you commented! (If I don't meet this request in a future point in time I may still update but it most likely will be total crap just because you ignored my request.)

Thanks for reading and later!


P.S: Thank you so much for more than 800 reads ! I love you all that stick with my writing! ^-^

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