Hello :D

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So this is no update, sorry! I just wanted to let you all know that i went through my stories and did spellcheck so yay! Not as many spelling errors! If i did happen to miss a few (Which i probably did) just message me and i shall fix them

Also, THANK YOU SO MUCH! This book has more than 15,000 reads! LIKE WHAT?!? THANK YOU ALL! I know some times my stories suck (Even though when people message me they say they are awesome) I just want to say thanks to the people that put up with me.

Two other things!

1) I still want to do a Q and A at some time (unless you all say "Jordin that's stupid as fuck, no!") so you can message me any question and I can try and make a Q and A! :)

2) I have been bored this summer and made some presitations on why i love Dan and Phil. I think they are awesome and i found some funny videos to go with them on YouTube, so if you want to check those out here.

Dan Presitation: http://prezi.com/wabnx37nyb1m/why-i-love-dan-howell/

Phil Presitation: http://prezi.com/8-qdtjw_zt5v/reasons-i-love-phil-lester/

Anyways thanks for reading! Comment shipping and ideas! And as always, have a great rest of your day/night!


Kik: Kirkpatm (message me for anything I can listen, might not be able to help but I can usually just be like 'Awwww'. That  or I can fangirl with you)

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