Ricky's in for a treat (Our 2nd Life)

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Kian's P.O.V:

"Jc! Connor! Come here for a minute!" I yell from my spot on the couch as a plan formed in my head.

I smiled to myself trying to figure out how Ricky was going to react to this one.

"What is it now Kian?" Connor asked as he walked into the living room followed by Jc who both looked at me confused.

"Wanna help me prank Ricky?" I asked smiling evilly.

They both looked at me kind of interested before Jc finally spoke up.

"What kind of Prank?"


Ricky's P.O.V:

I walked into our house and wheeled in my suit case. It's good to be home after a long weekend at Playlist, than Disney. I was ready to kick my feet up and enjoy some sleep.

I carried my suit case to my room and froze when I saw my door cracked open and some of the wood actually being broken. That was weird because I swore I locked my door before leavening for Playlist...

I went into my room and saw it was completely trashed. My Pokémon when all over the place, broken and cut open with stuffing coming out of them.

My posters where throw on the ground and broken. The fan art was even cut up and destroyed.

I dropped my bag and turned and looked around in the hallway.

"JC! CONNOR! KIAN!" I yelled trying to see if they were home.

I walked down the hall and looked in the living. No one was there but it was trashed to. The TV was smashed on the floor and the dv's on the shelf were all over the floor and broken. There was broken glass all over the place from different objects around the room that must have been thrown on the floor.

Something on the floor in the corner of my vision caught my eye and I went over to it and looked at it carefully.

My eyes widened and I stood up running to the closest room which happened to be Jc's room and ran inside to be meet with just about the same mess as in my room and the living room. I looked around and was about to go to the next room until I heard something.

Wishbone! I heard it from the closet and ran to it careful not to cut myself on anything and opened the door.

There on the ground was poor little Wishbone with his feet tied and mouth duck taped shut. I kneed down and untied his feet and took the duck tape off careful not to rip off his fur and then picked him up petting him carefully.

I walked to Connor's room and stopped dead in my tracks.

Blood. Blood everywhere. It was over so much stuff. And then I saw it. Poking out from under the bed you could barely see a finger and part of a hand.

My eyes widened and I pulled out my phone and dialed Connor's number into my phone. I few moments later I heard Connor's phone ringing from inside his room. I swallowed and hung up.

"AHHHHHH WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!?!???" I screamed as I turned and ran towards the door. But as I was turning the corner to the door I saw a body standing in front of the door.

I froze. They had their back to me so they didn't know I was there. I had to move quick, there was no way they didn't hear me scream.

I started to back away towards the back door but ran into something, or more like someone. My eyes widened as I screamed loudly and fell to the ground dropping Wishbone and curling into a ball.

I was still screaming when I heard the laughing. I stopped screaming and looked up. There in front of me was Kian and Jc, just laughing at my fear. Soon I saw Connor walking from the hallway laughing also.

"What the fuck is going on?" I ask sitting up shaking some still out of fear.

"You just got pranked!"  Kian yelled and laughed.

I groaned and stood up.

"Your evil." I said glaring at them.

"I know." Jc said smiling and still chuckling.

"I'm going to go get star bucks," I said glaring at them. " And my room best be clean by the time I'm back."

With that I walked out slamming the door behind me.


Author's note:

So there it is, o2l (Yes I know Trevor and Sam where not in this but I didn't know how to fit them in o.o Sorry!). Hope you enjoyed it!

You should know I didn't get 7 comments which confused me since I got like 6 comments when I asked for 3 and now I ask for 7 and get only 3. Do you not read the author's notes? Am I one of the only people that read author's notes? I'm not mad I just guess I'll just post less often since people don't care to read these...

Anyways comment shipping pairs and themes and stuff for the next one shot. Also comment spelling errors and I shall try to fix them.

I'm going to ask for 7 comments but most likely you'll all just ignore me again so whatever...

Thanks and later.


P.S: I started a Troyler story if anyone wants to read that. I got the first couple of chapters written out and will be updating weekly hopefully. Just wanted to throw that out there...

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