I love you (Tyler Oakley and Troye Sivan)

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Trigger Warning

Why did I let this happen....? I'm so stupid. I should have known it wouldn't work.

I looked down at the razor I had agenst my vain ready to cut it open. I wanted to end this pain so badly... but I just couldn't do it. I threw the razor down and started to cry into my hands. The tears ran down my cheeks and into my hand making them warm and wet.

Honestly what made me think that Tyler Oakley would love me? I was so stupid to ever tell him how I felt about him. He just laughed at me and walked away probably thinking I was kidding. But I wasn't... I loved Tyler. He was my Tilly.

It killed me to know he thought of us as just friends, and then to go a get a boyfriend right after me telling him how I felt for him... it was a knife in my heart...

I looked at the door I was leaning agenst and made sure the door was locked. I wiped my eyes, trying to get the tears to go away but they just kept coming.

I reached to grab the razor with my shaky hand and griped the razor. I brought it to my wrist and cut it quickly before I talked myself out of it again.

'Troye, he won't care if you're gone just do it already!' My brain was screaming at me to do it again deeper but my heart was telling me to stop, that he would care. But I knew better.

I made another cut and then dropped the razor. I had to call someone or something so I wasn't left here in this stupid little bathroom.

I pulled out my phone and called the only person on my mind right now. Tyler.

I was met with his voicemail almost right away. He really must not want to talk to me... I should just hang up but then I hear his voice on the voicemail message. My heart dropped and I started to cry more.

I heard the beep and tried to say something, but a knot was in my throat. I couldn't speak and it was hard to breath. I tried to calm myself and after a moment I could slightly breathe again.

"I love you... I mean it... I know you hate me but I'll miss you. I really will... Bye..." I hung up and started to ball again.

I grabbed the razor again and made a giant cut in my vain and then layer down on the cold tile of the bathroom floor. Slowly my vision started to blur and was giving me a headache so I shut my eyes.

I slowly started to drift into endless sleep when I hear his voice. I thought it was a dream but then I heard banging on the door.

I opened my eyes only to see Tyler burst open the door and run in. He ran to me and fell to his knees in a ball of tears.

"Troye, why did you do this?" He whispered as he cried.

"Because... I-I love... y-you." I shuddered out as it was getting harder to breath.

Tyler started to cry harder and hugged my limp body.

"Troye I love-" But I didn't hear what he said. It was too late... I was gone...


Author's note:

I know, it was a sad one-shot but hey, it was the only idea I had. I hope you liked it cus I did my best not to cry while writing this. Troyler is my OPT so it hurt writing that but whatever. (Did you see their last videos together?!?! OMG they're so perfect >O<)

Sorry about spelling and grammar errors. If you see some comment them and I'll do my best to fix them!

It you have any shippings/OTPs you want to see or ideas for a one-shot, please comment them! I really would like if you comment cus I suck at coming up with ideas.

Hope you enjoyed reading! Later!


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