Math sucks

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So this is not an update... I know I have been doing this a lot where I update but it's just auothor notes, I am sorry about that. BUT I HAVE GOOD REASONIG FOR THIS ONE!!!!

My life has been a little bit crazy.

First off, I have had writers block (that and I just haven't even been thinking about writing). I know that's not a good reason to not be writing, but I feel like shit when I post a crappy update because I feel the need to update. So lately I just haven't really been thinking of writing for that reason. BUT I DO HAVE AN IDEA FOR A ONE SHOT! But I need you all to comment a shipping pair you want to read, this one will be about them in high school age range, so give me some people you want to see a one shoot of in high school. :)

Yeah another reason I haven't really thought of posting is because I have just been very angry and frustrated a lot this past week and a half. Main reason is my stupid Algebra 2 teacher can't teach for fucking shit! And I am not joking, my sister thought it was just the class but it's not! It's my teacher. Seriously I am positive I failed out first test in that class becaus our teacher did not teach us a good chunk of the stuff on the test.

My friend who is one of the smartest people in math I know is even confussed. If your smartest student doesn't even get it, I think you are teaching it wrong. I don't care if it is your first year as a teacher, you should be able to listen when your entire class tells you to teach in a different and more better way for learning. But NOOOOOOOOO!!! My teacher is doing the same thing and I think my entire hour failed our test last week.

So yeah, kind of not been thinking of updating and I am sorry. But as I said i have an idea for my next one shot and I need you to comment on this update, who you want to see in my next update.

OH YEAH I FORGOT! I changed my profile picture to a actual picture of myself, so now all you lovely people can see meh face :P

But anyways, I am going to go now, have a good rest of your day/night! Bye.


(If you want my media crap here:

Kik: Kirkpatm

Snapchat: kirkpat88

Instagram: Jordin Kp

Twitter: @Jordin_Kp

(Just tell me you are from my wattad story or else I feel like random stalkers are after me o-o)

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