Being who I'm

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That day was the last day where all things changed.That moment when I saw Dustin so pissed,I knew that from that day...I had lost him.Explaining myself,reasons for what I did still won't change the hatred Dustin has for me.I messed up everything and there's nothing I could do to fix this mess that I made.The trust he had for me is gone,the love he had for me as Jayden...perished in his eyes.What's only left is the hatred that flamed in both of his green eyes that I caused.Andre at the other hand never said a word,he only ran to his brother to try and calm him down but it never helped doing that.That was the last day I ever saw Dustin.I tried calling him to ask for forgiveness but it turns out that my number was blocked.I felt my heart crunch up like a piece of paper.I guess that's how he felt the time he found out that his boyfriend was just his ex girlfriend.I never thought that my stupid plan can end up crushing my life like this,never.I never cried about him hating me now.Why would I cry about something that was actually my fault that it happened?I knew from that day...I had to learn to move on.

My life took a turn since a year passed faster like a ray of light and I say...I lived happily.I was able to do what ever I want and continue doing the things I love.My little shop grew bigger and more customers craving for beautiful designer dresses for weddings or special occasions.Demi decided,why not do all the makeup things together with what I do in one place?That's why we're now working together as a team.Each day was a blast for the both of us,goofing off and crack up till we can't breathe no more.I'm really thankful to have a best friend like her,that always sticks with me like paper and glue.The one who'll do anything to keep me happy.

Two weeks later someone shows up at the door at our shop.We were shocked to see that it was Andre,though I was confused of what he was doing here since maybe he was still mad at me.It's been ten months since I've last seen him face to face but he did gave me a call asking for the reason I faked being another person,and as I did he was never angry at all.He understood and he said that he wouldn't be angry at me because he didn't owned me and we were just friends.I'm glad that I never lost him.

Why he showed up unexpectedly you ask?He just wanted to join the team.I was really excited that now,we could finally make a big hit with the business and it'll be successful than ever.Turns out that Demi and Andre were in the same class in collage and that's why they know more about makeup than me.Though I'm surprised that Demi never told me about Andre before.I hope she doesn't play matchup know,things like that.Even though Andre never knew his brother's whereabouts he knew that he's safe where ever he is.It's like I forgot about Dustin,but what I did to him...I'm sure it left a permanent scar in me that'll not be easy to forget about.


"Come on Jade!Make a wish already,we've been waiting for the past five minutes!"

"Hey Demi today's my birthday so I do what ever I want,whenever I want so shut up!"It's 6pm and I'm celebrating my 25th birthday with two of my friends,sitting outside a non fancy restaurant.I'm still thinking of what I would wish for,then it popped in my head.

"Oh I know!"I said cheerfully.

"Ok now close your eyes and make a wish."Andre says with a bright smile.As I did,I blew the candle that was on the cupcake in front of me and I made a wish,but two to be exact.My first wish,is for me and two best friends to stay together and never leave each other's side.My last to see Dustin again and tell him how I'm truly sorry for what I did to him,just for once.When I slowly open my eyes I saw flowers next to me,held by someone who's in fact standing next to me.As I followed the hands and looked up,I tear up the moment I saw that it's Dustin smiling down at me and I jumped on him with a hug.I started apologizing to him and saying that I'm sorry repeatedly using my whole breath,I didn't give myself the chance to breathe.

"'s ok.That's all in the past now."I stopped crying and wiped the tears and immediately pulled away from him fearing that he might push me in a painful way.He gave me the flowers and I nervously took them,then he motion me to sit down while he took a seat next to Demi,now we were facing each other.

"So's our present for you?"Demi asks with a smug.I couldn't look at Dustin deep in the eye.I'm still shocked that my wish came true,it's unbelievable.When Demi was waiting for my answer I replied with a shy smile before it fades the time my eyes land on Dustin.

"Happy birthday Jade."I really missed that smile of his.

"W-why?Why would you do this?Why would you forgive me after what I did to you?"I ask feeling my eyes about to leak tears again.

"Jade...I know that what you did was uncalled for but I understood the reason why you did that.I should be the one sorry about the way I broke your heart the time I broke up with you because of a stupid reason.When I found out that Jayden was actually you I felt pain,the pain I made you feel."

"But I lied to you-"

"'Lied' is past tense,meaning that we should put everything in the past and look forward for the future.It happened we've learned our lesson.The past can't be changed,but you'll able to mold the future."He says softly before placing his hand on mine and I looked at him nervously.

"If I may Dustin said that you forgive Jade right?But why did you block her number the time she tried calling you, one year and four months ago?"Demi asks unexpectedly,Andre hissed at her to shut up.

"Well I blocked Jayden's number not Jade's.I didn't want someone's number on my phone who doesn't even exist."He shrugs.


"Ok enough about the suspicious questions that'll end up making more questions in such a day!Me and Dustin are going to buy mega packs of food cause Jade's birthday's still young!We'll meet you guys in the car ok?Now lets go asshole!"She says while pulling him from his seat.

"Did you just call me an a-"

"Yeah I did!What are you going to do about it huh?!"

"Ok ok sorry no need to cause a scene!"He says with his hands in surrender.When they were gone we decided to go back in Andre's car we arrived with.We didn't get in but we stood there next to it.

"So Jade,did you like the present?"He asks while leaning next to the car.

"Yeah,and thank you the best friends I'll ever have.But wait...didn't you said that you never knew where Dustin was for such a long time?"

"Well I lied.He went on a trip to France to visit dad for a couple of months and I insisted on staying when he wanted me to go with him.And Jade?Don't think that he was trying to get away from you.I actually talked to him a week ago on the phone about you.He said that he had forgiven you the second week he found out about you.So yeah...we planned this as a surprise for you."

"Woah...Andre you shouldn't have.Why did you have to go through that?"I ask while I sniffed,fighting the tears from falling.Andre gave me a small smile before placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I will go through everything for you Jade.You're everything to me princess,a solution of my unsolved x.You mean a lot to us...especially to me.Losing you will be like losing a needle in stacks of hay and I don't want that to happen to me.I couldn't find anyone in this earth who's just like you and you know that.That's why you're so precious to me."His words left me speechless and paralyzed,I couldn't move the moment he embraced me with a tight hug.Then body relaxed and I smiled to myself before hugging him back and buried my face in the croak of his neck,breathing in his sweet scent.

Maybe I'll learn to love again one day I guess.I'll wait patiently for that day to come.

What I've learned in life?You can tell the greatest lies and wear a brilliant disguise...but you can't escape the eyes of the one who see right through you.

And lastly...never ever try forcing love,rather wait and let love come to you instead. ____________________________________________

My Boyfriend is my Ex-Girlfriend!?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt