No she.Just he

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Jade's POV

"Ok Jade now what the hell are you doing with your brother's clothes?"She asked while gawking at me as I throw Ash's old clothes on my bed.

"Demi I need your help on making me look like a dude."I blunt out and sniffed,wiping the dry tears on my cheeks.

"Jade oh my god you just lost it!"She snickered and shook her head.

"Please Demi I'm begging you!Please do it for me.Come on you are a makeup artist and you can face paint for heaven's sake!Won't you help your bestie?The one who was your best friend since we were babies?The one who would do anything to make you feel happy?The one who cries for you day and night just because you never called me in one day.The one who would embarrass herself just to hear you giggle?!"I pleaded as I knelt down.

"Fine I'll do it ok!Now please...stop!"She had covered her ears and her eyes and snapped them open when I gave her an unexpected tight hug.

"OH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!You're the best!"I gave her kisses all over her face but she struggled to get away from my arms.

"Yeah yeah yeah whatever now will you please stop with your sloppy kisses!"

"Oops sorry."I apologized while moving away from her.

"But Jade are you really sure that you want this?"

"If I didn't then why did I kneel before you, crying for you to help me?"Sometimes you need to think before saying something.Did I said that right?

"Oh boy then...lets do this."She sighed before staring me.

"Yay!So what's first?"I asked curiously and giggled.

"The hair."She pointed my middle length brunette hair and I gulp the time she smiled evilly at me.Oh man I'm done for.
The moment I was still shocked she took the chance and dragged me out the house and yes with pajamas still on me.I had taken Ash's clothes with me and we're now walking to Demi's house.It wasn't that far just only three houses away from mine.We got in and it seems that the house was empty and quiet.That's how I like it.

We took so many steps upstairs then into Demi's room that was like big enough to fit four cars in here.Paintbrushes and some little paint stains that looked like decorations on the walls.Make-up supplies everywhere but it was clean in here.It was very pleasant-nah now I'm sounding weird!

"Just sit down and let the makeup artist do her thing."She pulled the chair for me to sit then looked at me from the mirror,thinking about what style will suit me.I became nervous as Demi took a blindfold and tied it,covering my eyes until all I see was darkness.

"What th-"

"Shhhh!I want you to be surprise at the new person you'll see the moment I remove the blindfold,ok?"Demi whispered softly in my ear to calm me down...SHE WAS ONLY MAKING IT WORSE!

It didn't took long until I hear her take small steps way from me like the ones to see how the masterpiece was in good angle or condition and I hear her laugh.Ok?

"Daaaaaamn!That I liky.Jade are you ready to see-no wait!How about you'll see yourself after I'm done with everything on you?"She asked while massaging my shoulders.

"Then what about the blindfold and the mirror?Won't I peek to see my new look?"

"Girl all I have to do is cover the mirror with a blanket and take off the blindfold, simple."I could sense her shrugging even though I couldn't see her.


She took off the blindfold and I felt like it was on me for ages.I thought she was joking about covering the mirror but then she proved that she wasn't.I had taken a lot of outfits to choose from that might be a bit larger for me but it's a good thing.First of all Demi had to wrap my breast tightly with a long cloth that I don't know the name of before wearing the outfit she chose.It was a long sleeve black shirt that was long enough to cover my thighs,only buttoned up on the collar revealing a V-neck black T-shirt.Blackish skinny jeans and finally black boots.Oh my I might as well be black instead.Don't take it seriously though guys.

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