He loves Me!?

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Jade's POV

Oh no no NO!Why did I said that?!I should've kept my mouth shut and I shouldn't have said her name.Now Dustin's wondering how I actually know her but if you were in my shoes would you stay quiet when your friend's trying to mess up the plan?No you can't and now it's my problem to fix!

"You...know her?"Dustin asks as his eyes filled with suspicion.I'm panicking right now because I don't know what to say.Hell I can't think of a lie this time!

"Well um...uh..."Come on!Say something.

"Oh he sure knows me alright but I'm fine with the thought of being forgotten just like Jade."She says while looking at me with a smirk.

"Ok Demi what do you want?"His voice started to get pretty annoyed.

"Woah there no need to shit your pants just seeing the sight of me.I only came here to eat not to meddle in someone else's business.But the time I saw you with him I just wanted to say hi and leave you guys to continue doing what ever you were busy with."She said while standing up straight.

"Oh Dustin,your ex girlfriend's taking her flight to Paris tomorrow so she wants me to let you know that she won't be coming back.Not because she's mad about the breakup but wants to start afresh.She even said that I should wish you well and good luck on finding someone perfect for you and she's sorry that she'd never proven to you for how worthy you were in her life.She'll miss you though."

"Uh huh ya done yapping?"Dustin spat lowly.Doesn't he know that I'm right here?Oh yeah...he doesn't.I came to understand that Demi is coming up with another plan on killing me but figuratively.Killing the Jade in Dustin's life so that he'll forget about her...forever.

"Not yet.Dustin you need to be thankful that you were blessed with a girlfriend like her.Sorry for ruining your moment."She heard someone calling a numder and i guess it was her order.She left and took it and she was out of the door,my eyes still following her.

"I'm really sorry that you had to witness that."He sighed.

"Um it's ok..."I smiled nervously.

"So how do you know her?"

"Well...sh-she was my classmate in high school and she never liked me at all and I don't know what bad thing I did to her back then to make her despise me."I shrugged nervously.When Dustin was about to say something my phone started ringing in my pocket.I'm panicking again because I forgot to change my ring tone and now Dustin's completely shocked as it's the same ring tone Jade's phone use to ring with....did I say that right?Oh and finally he'll think I was lying about the phone's low battery and of course I did thank you very much!I had no choice but to pick it up without checking the name of the person calling me.


"Meet me at the back."And she hung up.I didn't think twice and knew that it was Demi,who else?

"But you said your battery died."Dusting said suspiciously.

"Well having a phone that's only left with 4% battery it's still considered that the battery died.Look sorry Dustin,thanks for everything but I really need to go."I said while standing up.

"But why so early?Ok how about I give you a ride home."He suggested.

"No need I got it covered."I smiled at him.Though I heard him mumble something like 'even the ring tone' and I eventually pretended like I didn't hear anything.I ran out the door and went at the back and saw Demi's car.I started by checking behind me to see if no one's following me.Then after that I ran to the car and got in and we actually made a run for it.

"So how did I do."She asked with a smug.

"First of all;Why the hell did you did that for?!And secondly;You almost got me caught Demi!And lastly;You just proved that you're a smartass friend and that plan of yours was a brilliant one.Meaning that since he'll believe that Jade's gone he'll never be suspicious of me ever again."I squealed but it ended up sounding like a rat being squashed by a truck.That damn deep voice of mine is now ruining my normal sweet one.

"I'll take that as I did well.Ok now I realize that we forgot our last step in creating the pure Jayden Scott and that is getting you a new phone,new number and lastly...a new ring tone."

"But I'm in love with No new friends ring tone!"I whine then pout and folded my arms.

"Come on Jade I'm sure there are other songs you know by LSD like Genius for example."

"Ohhhk."I sighed sadly.

"Now stop pouting like an old man waiting to be kissed for the past century and lets eat."Just hearing the word eat I completely lose it.It's like she knew that I'll like for a another round of food and that's why I love her for that.After getting a new phone we went back to Demi's house,took off the disguise until all was left was the original Jade,before telling her every single thing that happened to me from yesterday night until today morning.Of course she screamed like a fangirl when I mention the part were I woke up next to him.I laughed at her when I remembered that she said being a dude and winning Dustin's heart was the stupidest idea.Now who's stupid now?

I went back home when it was getting dark.When I got into my room I tossed myself on my king sized bed and inhaled my scent on my pillow and muffled words of happiness that finally back in my room and in my own skin.

A month passed faster than light,me and Dustin were becoming close friends and I'm very excited about that.Since that first phone call as Jayden we talked all night long until my ears burn and my throat hurt.Going out and have fun together and of course Demi helped me out on turning into Jayden again.Sometimes I could caught him blushing every time he looks at me and all I could do is do the same.I'm really loving this life.

We're now sitting on the sand in the beach watching the sun as it sinks into the sky,Dustin laid on my lap and stared into my eyes and smiled.

"You look amazing."I blushed so hard but tried to hide it though it only failed miserably.He chuckled before sitting up straight.

"I never thought that this feeling will come back again.And Jayden...I want to tell you this.The moment I first laid my eyes on you I couldn't stop thinking about you ever since.And that smile of yours is just too much for me to handle.I'm madly in love you."I only gaped and didn't say anything,that's when he held my hand gently and kissed it.It was beyond belief.

"So please...be my boyfriend."

This is gotta be a dream...

Yah friends😁
And that's it for the chapter guys I really hope you liked it.

Until we meet again in the next chapter loves😘

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