Double date but only one Me

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Jade's POV

"Uhh Jayden?Are you ok because you haven't blinked for the past three minutes?"This can't be real!Though Dustin never told me that he had any siblings as Jade when I was his girlfriend.But no it can't be!I should've known,they seem to look alike but why didn't it ring a bell?Maybe...maybe I didn't heard that right nah may he said 'brudar' not 'Brother' yeah they're just long time friends and they gave each other nicknames that don't make any sense!Haha...ha...ha?It's just a dream...right?

"Um...Andre is...your-"

"Brother?Yes he is,well actually my older brother to be exact."They smiled to each other before facing me again.

"But how is he your brother when he has a strong French accent but yours is American?Like weren't you born in France with him?"I asked confusingly with narrowed brows.

"Well it's simple,our mom and dad divorced when I was only three years old and Andre five.Dad's French and he got custody of Andre so speaking dad's language full time made this."He playfully eyed him up and down which earned him a slight soft punch from Andre,"And me at the other's obvious with me and my mom."

"So I decided to visit my brother for a while, it's been three years since I've last visited.And my oh my Dustin yesterday at the mall I met with a beautiful angel sent by the the living God in heaven.Just thinking about her now makes me want to call her."Oh no the moment I saw him searching for his phone in his pockets I started shaking.I just pray that the time I find out that mines in my pocket and not in the car...I'm done for.Happily I didn't have it on me so I sighed in relief while I watch Andre repeatedly dialing the number but no one was picking up.

"Shit!I thought she'll pick up!But no worries, I've got a date with her tomorrow."He said disappointedly while holding his hips.

"Dude you just got here and you're already hitting on a girl?Wow that's incredible!"He saluted before standing next to me,helping me with the heavy drinks in my hands.

"What can I say?I've got the looks."Uh huh?

"Yeah I don't care but what I care is you telling me the name of this girl you're going crazy every time you think about her."Yikes
he mustn't know!When Andre was about to open his mouth I thought fast.

"And what I care is my life now since you didn't tell me where the hell we're going and it's becoming very dark outside so I think I need to go home."I pouted.

"Wait let Dustin hear me out first,so I'll give you a clue about the name.It's a precious green stone that can be used for ornaments and implements and it consists the mineral nephrite."

"Is it a peridot?"He scratches the back of his head."No eww!What kind of a girl that has such a name?And no it's not."

"Uh an apatite?"Erh!A girl named Apatite?!Damn what am I even saying?I'm busy here judging the names in my head and I can't see that I'm this close to being caught?!But I don't need to worry,Dustin's dumb so he'll guess until the guessing guesses that he's already given up.

[10 minutes later]

"Oh yeah I got it!It's an Eva right?"Andre shakes his head while sighing and this is so annoying!"That's not even close!"

"Ok ok now I know,It's-"

Holly...molly...shitting...shit...that definetly slipped out of my tongue.

"Correct Jayden!Wow and I thought you're as dump as Dustin over here.Well done!"He clapped his hands while I slowly look at Dustin shocked next me.I think my heart's having a seizure...

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