New life as Jayden

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Jade's POV

What I really hate about waking up in the morning after taking shots,is waking up with a splitting headache.I don't know why did I had to take immense strong drinks that might effect me so badly.I shouldn't have gone to that bar and I really regret it.I almost got beat up by that pervert but ended up saved.I think I blacked out the moment I saw that it was him.

Then again...I remember something.How on earth did I got home cause I don't remember Demi driving me home?That's when I felt like I wasn't alone under the covers.I didn't move my body,I was still but why do I feel movements behind me?As I turn my head slowly I was shocked as fuck when I saw that it's Dustin.I'm sure my eyes could've popped the time he opened his eyes.I had no choice but to jump out of bed which I ended up on the ground with a loud thud.

"What the hell am I doing here?"Another thing that I hate about this is that I should continue with the act and pretend like I don't even know him.

"Good morning to you too."He said,smiling.Like doesn't he care that he just woke up with a stranger in his bed but more especially on the floor?!

"Good morning?Um dude are you happy about the fact that you got a stranger in your room?"Now I had stood up from the floor.Luckily I got my clothes on me or else he could've found out the real me.But unfortunately I was barefooted.Wait where are my glasses?

"Well the name's Dustin.What's your name?"He asked unexpectedly as he stood up from his bed stretching himself.

"Uh...Jad-Jayden.Jayden Scott."Ok now that was close.

"See?I'm Dustin and you're Jayden,we know each other so that means that we're not strangers."He shrugged while making his bed.

"That doesn't make any sense."I said as I shook my head in confusion.

"What you did yesterday didn't make sense.Why did you wanted to get your butt kicked and end up blacking out on the ground?

Duh cause I was searching for you.
" reason."Really Jade?Is that the best answer you can come up with?Aye what can I say?I'm fucking nervous right now.Oh yeah about the part of me passing out?

"Ohhhhk?"He said oddly then he sat on his bed,eyes on me.I'm feeling goosebumps on me and I don't like that.Good thing that this long sleeve shirt covers my skin.

"Alright how the hell did I got here?"

"Oh yeah so yesterday I saved you from that asshole.Beat him up.You passed out on the floor-i think from the vodka you drank.It was dark outside and I didn't know where you live and I couldn't ask you as you were out cold.Drive you to my house.Removed your boots and laid you on my bed,hours later you woke up and asked yourself what the hell you're doing here and finally I'm explaining to you what really happened yesterday."Dammmmmn I really hate that monotone of his.

"I think I should be going..."I think I can't do this anymore.Yes of course I was looking for him all night long and I even dressed myself as a dude to try and win him back but...I think it was the stupidest idea I ever come up with.Maybe I'll never be with him,as Jade or Jayden.I didn't notice anything around me until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"What are you saying?You can't leave just like that."With that statement he gave me an idea on how to find out the reason for breaking up with me.That's still a mystery to me.

"Hey I can't stay here what if your um...your boyfriend finds us here?I'm sure any guy like you can't be single,right?"I said in a cracky voice while rubbing the back of my head.I stopped the moment I remembered that I would mess up the hairstyle.Then my eyes shot to where my glasses where at and they were on the drawer and ran to them.I don't want him to realize that it's me.

"Boyfriend?Nope I don't have one but I would like to get one"Ok maybe I didn't think this through,right now I feel a little sting just to hear him say that.

"Sooo you're single?"I asked in hopes to get him to tell me something just anything concerning me!

"Well I wasn't until now.I actually broke up with a girl four days ago.I'm sure you're asking yourself what was I doing in a gay bar if I dated a girl.The thing is am bi but I tend to be attracted to men more."What he said kinda hurt me.So does that mean that my feelings were being played?

"Oh?What made you break up with her?Wasn't she pretty?"It's a question right?

"Hey why will I tell a stranger about something so personal?That's like sticking your nose in someone else's business."This dude just said that we're not strangers to each other anymore not more than five minutes ago.Now he says that-Ugh!Unbelievable!

"Well ok as I said I should be going so bye."I waved at him,took my boots,when I was almost out of the door a hand grabbed my arm.

"How about you go out with me.In a café maybe so that will learn more about each other.What do you say?"Did he...did he-Oh my God I think this plan is working quite well!

Now now Jayden calm down girl...wait was i supposed to say boy?Enough joking around you got this.This is your chance to start your new life and not as Jade...but as Jayden.

Dustin must've waited so long for me to say something as I zoned out a bit.And of course I couldn't say no and miss this chance with him.I'm still stunned that he still doesn't recognize me at all.It's like he completely forgot about me and the way I looked like.Other than that I'm just happy that finally I can be with him.I know it's like living a double life and the other one's fake I don't really care.What I care is that he's here with me now and I should take things slow.

In the car ride I made sure to listen to what I say because I got so many catchphrases a Jade would say and Dustin knows them all.As we chat about random stuff I kinda used the word 'dammmmmn' in the conversation and that made him so suspicious that he said that 'hey that was my ex girlfriend's favorite catchphrase' ok I get it now stop talking about her,sure I'm the ex girlfriend he's talking about but is that really necessary for me to know?Come on now I sound like I'm jealous of myself.

It didn't take too long to get there.We took orders then ate when they arrived and chat for sometime and it felt so amazing.It all felt like old times.It brings back memories I wouldn't wish to forget and good times we've spent together that are so hard to erase.Well that's all in the past.The past should be forgotten...right?

"So what's your number?"That question immediately brought my mind back on earth like seriously that was unexpected.

"Why?You don't even know me."I sip my coffee while looking up at him.

"And that's why I'm asking for your number.You're actually a great person to talk to and you remind me of-Sorry I don't know why's my brain acting this way today."I know why...gee so you expect me to know why,right?Hehe I'm not some sort of a scientist who knows everything about the human brain!

"Uh well..."So basically I can't give him my number because...isn't obvious?"Dustin how about you give me yours because I forgot my phone at home."Hehe born to lie baby.

"You mean that phone I saw you shoving it in your pocket the moment we left the house?"Ohhhh I'm so dead...

"Shit forgot about that!Please forgive me and my short-term memory,I totally forgot that it was in my pocket the whole time."I said as I was laughing nervously.

"You know what?You can have mine it's not a problem at all."He laughs before taking out a piece of paper out of his pocket and a pen and that made me so shocked to know that he came so prepare.

"Here."he gave it to me with a friendly smile on his face and I kindly took it.

"So you've already got a boyfriend after breaking my girl's heart into pieces don't you have no shame!?"Now who said that?When my eyes land on the person who was balancing with elbows on the table and with a smirk you could easily wipe from existence...I wanted to choke on my food that's already been digested.

"Demi what the fuck?!"Ohhhhh shit what have I done?

That's it guys and thanks for reading😄
Until we meet again on the next chapter.


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