"-No," Mr Sanders cut in, "-I don't quite like Mr Williams. The man is faulty in what he does. However for you I'll give him a chance to present his product. Have him deliver it over and we will test it out," Mr Sanders said and I simply nodded my head.

"-If I like it we ally. Simple. If I don't consider this offer gone. You however, I look forward to doing business with. Perhaps in the future?" Mr Sanders said and smiled for the first time. I also smiled and slightly laughed and nodded as I shook his open hand.

"Sounds like a plan. We'll get back to you," I grinned and Mr Sanders gave one last nod before leaving.

I walked over to one of the computer chairs and sat onto it. Spinning around, I let out a laugh.

Stopping mid spin, I pulled out my phone. Finding Marcus' number I pressed onto the name and held the phone to my ear.

After several rings Marcus' anxious voice picked up.

"Victoria! What happened? Talk to me!" Marcus yelled into the phone and I leaned my head back on the chair with a grin.

"I presented your product. I'm not sure whether he liked it or not but he wants the product delivered. To test it out," I told him.

Marcus stayed silent for a few moments. However a few seconds later he let out a loud laugh.

"Victoria you did it! If he wasn't interested he wouldn't even bother having it delivered! You really are an angel," Marcus said with a kindness to his voice. Too bad he was anything but kind.

Marcus then sighed over the phone in disappointment.

"-I'm going to have to break the news to Max. You've got his dream position. But then again who cares right? He shouldn't have ruined his chance," Marcus added bitterly.

"I suppose so. Get back soon Marcus," I said in a flirty tone.

"Miss me?" Marcus asked and I could imagine the cocky smirk on his face.

"You have no idea." Vomit.

"-I have to go now. I'll see you when you get back," I said wanting to hang up.

"Alright. See you soon Victoria."

I didn't bother replying and simply hung up. Getting up off of the chair, I made my way to the door and exited.

The smile on my lips didn't disappear until I was down the hall way. I was just passing Max's office when I heard voices. I stepped towards the door and placed my ear onto the cold surface, ready to listen.

"Max! Maxwell, snap out of it!" the familiar voice of Catelyn said.

"What the hell has gotten into you! What are you doing here? You have a presentation!" her muffled voice said. Max let out a groan.

"I don't know whats wrong with me. But its okay. Victoria is over there with them," Max coughed and I heard another groan.

There was silence. Catelyn didn't say anything.

"...This is her doing?" Catelyn suddenly sneered.

I heard angry steps and Max's confused voice. I slowly leaned back from the door.

Not wanting to hear anymore, or possibly not wanting to get caught, I moved away from the door and rushed away from Max's office.

Great. Now Catelyn would be even more thirsty for my blood. However the girl couldn't do any real damage. I had photos. Evidence. Proof.

What did she have?

Dismissing my thoughts I decided to leave. I quickly sent Alexander and Quinton a text to meet up. I knew they were eager to move onto Marcus. We had bigger fish to catch and we all were anticipating the moment.

Getting into my car I put on my seat belt. Just as I was about to leave, my phone began ringing. Answering the phone, I put it on speaker and placed the phone onto my lap.

"Yes Quinton?" I said as I began driving.

"You wanted to meet up?" He said and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Yeah. That's why I sent a message. Is something wrong?" I asked as I turned a corner ready to go home.

"Nothings wrong. Thought the three of us deserved a drink."

"Ah Quinton?" I asked as I frowned looking down at the phones screen, "-Why did you call again?"

"Oh! If it isn't a problem can we not meet at your place? I'm out and a little drunk I'm afraid," he chuckled, "-Can't drive since I'm not exactly sober," Quinton muttered and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh?" I exclaimed, "-following the rules are we?" I dryly muttered.


"Fine," I sighed, "-where did you say you were?" I gave in as I turned back onto the main road.

"I'm at Jo's," Quinton said, "-I'll send the address."

"Jo's?" I repeated, "-what the hell is Jo's?" I asked.

"The local bar. Call Alexander and get here."







I know its short and probably a boring chapter. But this was just a quick update. I'll try and make the next chapter longer and more exciting!

tell me what you think!

the followers situation was a glitch of sorts btw





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