Season 5 Chapter 5 : Hey Babe!

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*this is a throwback chapter*

Jude's POV

I remember when Connor asked me out! Hehe it was a big revelation to me and I can't forget what he did at the time. And the date was for me! I was shocked that it took him that long to ask me out.

So here's the story...

Flashback started

General POV

At the park, Connor sees Chelsea and talked to her about his feelings towards Jude.

Connor's POV

Hey there Chels!

Chelsea's POV

Hi, Cons. What's up?

Connor's POV

I'm finally gonna tell Jude on how I feel about him, I'm so excited. I have been in love with
my best friend for a long time, I don't want my feelings to be shut. I need to tell him my feelings for him before it's too late

Chelsea's POV

Aww, that is so cute, but how are you going to pull that off?

Connor's POV

Don't you worry about that Chels, I got this!
I'm gonna call him!

*Phone ringing*

Jude was on the line and says "Hello"

I say to him, Hi there Jude, I need your help. Can you come here? Please buddy

He says "ok, where are you?"

I say I'm going to your house.

At the Fosters Residence

Jude's POV

"Get the door, Jude!" Says Callie

Ok I will, I say to Callie

So what do you need Connor?

Connor's POV

Um, Jude.

How can I say this nicely?

I am going out on a date tonight and I don't know how to date someone. That is why I am asking. Can you be my wingman?

Jude's POV

I don't how to say to this but hey I will help you get ready for your date tonight!

First things first, Let's go to Mariana. She knows a lot about dating!

Mariana's POV

Hey there, Judicorn! How may I be of assistance?

Jude's POV

Connor has a date tonight and he doesn't know a thing about dating.

Mariana's POV

Ok, your one lucky guy Connor. You must be having goosebumps and I hope the girl is pretty.

Connor's POV

She already is. She is the most beautiful girl I ever met.

Mariana's POV

Well, What do girls like? Okay, they like to be honest with each other, stay together forever and never let go and always be faithful.

Those are the three most important things that girls most like and now Connor, Flowers and Chocolate have to be so important to give to on a date. Maybe do some shopping so the best chocolate to give is probably chocolate strawberries and for flowers, Red or pink roses. Did I mention to you, that Chocolate strawberries and Red/Pink roses is Jude's fave. Also, bring a teddy bear, girls love that! The bigger the better!

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