My breathing slowed down as Harry barged into the room with nothing but a pair of boxers on his body. I must say he was damn fit and I probably would have been drooling if it was any other situation, but being in the position I am now it didn't really faze me. He gave me a concerned and startled look before proceeding to enter the room and closing the door behind him.

"Are you okay? You were screaming hysterically," he asked and sat on the bed, looking me over intently. Was I really that loud that I woke him?

"I'm fine, just a bad dream," I dismissed. I wanted him out of 'my' room and as far away from me as possible. That dream was basically the closes to reality as it could of gotten, and I didn't want to be next to him knowing that horror actually happened before.

"What was it about?" He pressed. Of course he couldn't just let it go.

"Nothing, it doesn't matter," I shook my head and lied back down on the mattress.

"It obviously wasn't nothing because you were screaming bloody murder and you're covered in sweat. Don't tell me it doesn't matter!" He spoke. Screaming bloody murder, if only he knew I was doing exactly that.

"It's none of your concern!" I spat and rolled my eyes. I knew that was a big mistake when his nostrils flared and he gritted his teeth.

"Don't fucking roll your eyes at me! Now you tell me what that dream was about or I'll make you scream ten times louder than you were, sweetheart, you can bet on that!" He raised his voice through his teeth and grabbed my arm harshly, holding it very tight. I winced in pain and grew more terrified by the second as he glared sharply into my eyes. I wanted out of his tight grip before it got worse so I gave in.

"Alright," I nodded and he let go immediately.

"Go on.." He encouraged after a few moments.

I took a sharp breath before starting. "It was about you. I was running around town in the dark, but I didn't know what I was running from. There were loud screams coming from every direction and blood covering the ground at my feet. I ran into an ally and the other end just suddenly blocked off.. like-like a wall was placed here or something," I stuttered. He was looking into my eyes the whole time, his expression neutral. It was had to decipher what he was thinking.

"I turned around to run back the other way but- but there was a.. body. S-she was just lying there, completely still, covered in her own blood. She was.. She was dead," I struggled as I chocked back sobs. "I was going to run past her but when I looked up you were standing there. Y-you had a knife and you were coming closer and I tried to back away but I hit the wall and I didn't have anywhere to go. Y-you, you pressed me up against you and put the knife- the knife to my neck. Then I just woke up," I finished and wiped the tears that wouldn't stop cascading down my face. My skin was hot and my throat was sore from crying.

It stayed silent for a few minutes. Harry was just sitting there staring at my face, he wouldn't look away. I felt intimidated under his gaze and I didn't like him being here one bit, but I waited patiently for what he was going to say. When he finally spoke, it left me more confused.

"Too bad that couldn't have happened for real. I think it would have been much more fun than our real first encounter," he chuckled before standing up and exiting the room.


I can't even begin to imagine the kind of brain damage he must have in order to say something like that to someone. He is a sick and twisted man and no doctor or scientist in the world could possibly be able to figure out what is wrong with him. There is no technology created to figure out what kind of chemical imbalance there is going on in his brain. His head is so damn fucked up that no amount of re-wiring could fix his corrupted mind.

I didn't know what time it was, but I was assuming it was still early as it was still slightly dark outside. The small window on the wall was just enough space to see the sky clearly. Harry must have went back to bed because I hadn't heard anything after he left the room and he hadn't come back to give me food like he promised. I hoped he would treat me okay while I was here, food and warm clothes, things like that is all I asked for.

My guess is it was about two hours later when Harry came back. He had his usual neutral expression across his face; as always, I couldn't tell what he was thinking. He carried a plate full of some type of substance that I couldn't make out from on the floor and when he handed it to me I noticed it was eggs and bacon. I was rather surprised that he made such an effort, but I was glad and I wasn't complaining.

"Eat all of it and then you can come out of here," he gestured around the room and my face lit up. He was actually going to let me out?

"Really? I can get out of here?" I asked all too quickly, showing too much of my excitement.

"Out of this room yes, but you will be staying in the house," he nodded and sat down beside me. I knew he wouldn't let me outside, but being out of this room was good enough for now.

"Thank you! I've been dying in here, and I really need a shower," I cringed at the thought of how long it's been since my last one. This is like the third or forth day since my last one, I've lost count.

"You can have a quick shower and change into different clothes," he agreed and took my plate away from me after I stuffed my mouth with the last bite. I hadn't realized how hungry I actually was until I started eating.

"Now?" I raised an eyebrow as he stood up.

"Yes, follow me," he ushered me up and out the door.

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~Bailey xoxo

Malicious // h.s. [Editing]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora