She was crying alone on the floor inside a gigantic mansion.


"I like chicken nuggets." Said Shinya suddenly

"Sir." Said the Taxi driver "I'm asking for the address..."

"Oh! Yeah. [Insert house Address because I'm too lazy to make one up or to search] please."

"Ok." Said the Taxi driver and started the car.


"A 4 room house?" Asked Sayuri's mother "I do know of one but isn't that expensive?"

"I guess but I really need to find a home." Said Guren "You work with those kind of things right? The one demonstrating houses.."

"Selling agent?"

"Yeah! I bet you know of a 4 room house that doesn't cost too much." Said Guren "And that accept dogs and have a big garden" said Guren again "And that isn't too far from school. I have a learners permit but that just allows me to drive with a 21 year old adult by me, but you know I'm an orphan."

"I can guess of one, but where did you got that money from?" Ask Sayuri's mother

"My rich boyfriend but that's not the point." Guren said "I need to find one before the end of the week maximum"

"Umm...." Sayuri's mom went deep into thinking "I guess Mr. Brown is still selling that house.." She murmured to herself "Are you ok with 5 rooms instead of 4? That's the only one I can think of at the moment. It's perfect and all but the thing it's that he's asking a bit too much"

Guren looked at the card curiously "I believe I can buy that."

"Alright. Let me call him and I'll tell you the details later." She said as she hurried to find her phone "Although, you're too young to buy a house, so It's gonna have to be at my name. So..."

"Yeah i understand!" Said Guren with a big smile "I'll make sure to not bother you so much."

"Ok good." Said Sayuri's mother jokingly "just kidding! You're never a bother, y'all like my own EMO kids! Y'all always welcome here." She smiled "Now let's call"


"Wow..." Said Mika "A lot have happened this month.."

"I know right! We have to return to school in 5 days! You bet I will take my Gucci shoes that Shinya bought us." Yu flexed "And those Gucci glasses, although I'll be wearing them inside." Yu said and went into thought "Would it be weird if I wear sunglasses inside?"

"Whatever you plan on doing I'll join you." Said Mika with a smile "We can both fuck the rules and go to school wearing all Gucci!"


"Y E S!" Mika said with the same amount of excitement

"By the way, I asked Shinya to buy this for you since he was rich" said Yu as he took out a box out of this pocket "It's a necklace." Said Yu "I don't remember the much but my mother used to wear a necklace like that. She had a necklace and that had a ring. They are matching.... Symbols.. I thought it was cute so I asked Shinya is he could ask for a necklace similar to my mother's. You're wearing my mother's and I'll wear my father's." Yu smiled

"..." Mika cried with a big smile covering his face "I- It's beautiful!" Said Mika as he took the necklace and putted on by himself "So You're gonna wear a necklace too?"

"Nah. Too girly." Yu said with a relaxed smile "I'm wearing a bracelet!" Yu showed his wrist and there was a silver bracelet with a little symbol in it [I leave It to your imagination]. "So we match now!" Yu gave an innocent smile

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