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Color's Chap: 12 🔗📎🖇

Third POV

"You good for nothing!!" Screamed Seishiro shutting Shinya's door.

"I know." Shinya dropped to his bed.

And yet he cares about me...

Manipulative bitch.

Shinya sighed.

Shinya's eyes moved around his room and stopped at where he knows are the sleeping pills. "Not yet..." Shinya mumbled "You haven't lived yet.."


"Stupid Guren!" Screamed Yu

"Bro at this point I might actually begin believing that I'm stupid with the amount of times you address me with that word." Guren in matter of fact stated.

"That's deep, anyways, did you eat MY mash potato!?"


"Then What is that!!!" Yu pointed at Guren's trashcan.


"Inside!!" Screamed Yu, showing the leftovers of a mash potato container.

"Bro really digs in trash to find food, it tasted sterile anyway." Guren placed his covers above him "I'm going to sleep."

"You sure would know how that taste like, anyways, stupid Guren! At least buy me a fucking replacement!! I'll tell on you! Shinya will back me up!"

"Shinya? Shinya Is having fun with his rich family, he won't care for your fucking mash potatoes." Guren stated from under the covers.

"Aren't you two going to spend the fall break with each other?" Yu asked as he tightened the trashcan bag.

"He's grounded remember?" Guren said with his face on the pillow.

"Grounded? You still with that shit? It's been weeks! This is you being immature."

"You're still grounded too."

"I can deal with this, but the fact that you're pushing your bestie away is different." Yu placed a new bag on the trashcan. "So, what's up?"

"I don't know, I get this weird feelings when I'm with him. It's... Weird? Like, I know we're soulmates and all, but I don't really wanna be forced into a relationship just because I'm force too, instead because I want to. I tried to stay away from Shinya at first but he always followed me like a lost puppy and I find it kinda cute? I know it's the curse's doing so that's why I don't want to be with him that much... Unless until I know I'm ready to accept that the curse is kinda part of me, I don't wanna date him... At least I don't think I'm ready for it, I don't know what to feel about Shinya.. Love? Friendship? We once got too close and honestly.. I was about to just go for it and kiss him to see how I felt about him" Yu threw a ball of paper at Guren for that, Guren ignored that "I would've kissed him." He mumbled to himself "But he's a coward and ran away."He frowned.

"I'm not a expert but I think that's a big gay." Yu went to pick up the paper ball he threw at Guren, Guren reaching to pick it up first and hand it to Yu. "I kinda understand though." Yu grabbed the paper and threw it at the new trash bag. "I love Mika.. I love him so, so much and I'm afraid to do something stupid, and me being me is always stupid." Yu sat at the end of Guren's bed "I know I should be sure. HE'S MY FUCKING SOULMATE! But I'm still afraid." Laid back "I love him so much.... and I'm afraid that one day I'm gonna annoy him away."

"We're just two losers liking someone who's obviously out of our reach but we still have them for soulmates so we still win." Guren closed his eyes


"Say Shinya." Mahiru grabbed Shinya's attention, his head turning to see his sister cutting steak, "You are Guren's closest friend, so I wanna know, Is he single?" Mahiru turned to Shinya.

"Why would you care?" Asked Shinya in a bad mood.

"I don't need to tell you, I'm just going to say that I might become the next Ichinose."

"WHAT!?" Everyone gasped.

"Mahiru! I told you that the Ichinose Family is trash! You shouldn't care about them." Mahiru's dad shouted.

"I'm a grown woman! I can chose that myself!" Mahiru stood up "SHI-"

"He is dating someone already." Shinya's voice was low, "They just had a fight though.." Shinya looked at the floor with a bitter face and without touching his food.

"Then! That means I just need to seduce Guren so he would leave his girlfriend and done! So easy!!" Mahiru squealed "I'm glad!" She stood and left.

"That Girl!! Even when I was going to give her our company!" Said Tenri (The head of the Family and also Mahiru's Kureto's Seishiro's Shinya's and Shinoa's dad)

"Why don't you give it to me." Order Seishiro "I'll rule the company!" Seishiro suggested while smiling proudly

"You are not responsable enough for such a power." Tenri deadpanned.

"Then give it to me." Kureto elegantly ate a piece of steak, eating it before continuing "I think I'm responsable enough." Kureto looked at Tenri.

"You are a great option, but I'm not sure about that." Tenri though about it

"So, who are you giving it to?! Shinoa is too young and- Shinya?! HA! Don't make me laugh! He was just adopted to marry Mahiru, who is the one that turn him down! I don't even know why he still here!! He should've been thrown away already, he has nothing to do with us anymore!!" Seishiro angrily shouted looking at Shinya.

"I'm nothing like all of you." Shinya smoothly voiced "If you wanna throw me to the trashcan so it be." Shinya looked away "I won't mind what you do to me as the Hiragi family. I'm taking my leave. Thanks for the food." Shinya left after saying that.

"He'll be a good candidate, if only he had the Hiragi blood." Tenri Sigh "Lets keep eating." Tenri drank his mango juice.


More updates ( ° ͜ ʖ °) I'm going as fast as I can.

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