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Chap: 16 (start of flashback)

Third POV

Yu hated the rain, it was unpredictable and loud. "Yu!" Yu heard a female's voice. "The food is gonna get cold and I won't warm it back for you!"

"I GO!" Said little Yu while running to the kitchen "Did you make the pancakes I asked?" Yu asked with excitement.

"Hell no." Said the lady "It's my house and I'm cooking for free so y'all will eat whatever I cook for y'all." She said, "This time make sure to eat the vegetable too."

"BUT MUUUUM!! They taste weird!" Said Yu

"I don't care! You eat them." Commanded the lady.

"I hate this family" Yu murmured.

The house where they lived was small but comfortable. Yu couldn't see anything but just the old black and white but his parents kept saying that the house was yellow from inside to outside and even though Yu couldn't see the color of his little house, he knew that they were warm colors.

"Where Guren?" A man with black hair just like Yuu's and Guren's  asked "He's suppose to be with us tonight, it's literally his birthday."

"Is he still with his girlfriend... I don't even know her name." Yu's mom said.

"I understand he's in his 'Rebel without cause' but dating someone who isn't your soulmate? That's too far." The man sighed. "He's just delaying her destiny."

"I want my Caprisun" Yu interjected.

"We have to talk some sense in him," Yu's mom cracked her knuckles.


"On your room Yu! You never brought it with you" The man sighed again.

"Ok!" Yu said as he went to his room.


You went to his room and looked everywhere but couldn't see it

Ring Ring, Answer the phone, ring ring

Yu looked at his Mom's phone and looked who it was "Baka Guren" Yu said as he answered, "I can't talk now Guren, I'm looking for my caprison." Yu said as he was about to end the call.

["Wait! Don't hang"] Guren Said ["Can you pass me to mom?"] Guren sounded worried.

"Ok... But you own me a Caprisun!" Yu said as he went to the kitchen where Yu's mom and dad were worryingly looking out the window. "Mom!" Yu said "Guren wants to talk to you"

"Guren!" Yu's mom said as she put the phone on her ear "YOURE GROUN- What? OMG GUREN YOU REALLY ARE A IDIOT!" She said as she left as fast as she could "TAKE CARE OF YU WHILE I'M GONE!" She said and left

Yu's dad didn't say anything but it was obvious he was worried sick about Guren. Yu didn't say anything either, he was scared. Yu knew Guren's girlfriend and honestly... He was afraid of her. Mahiru had a "Stalking" vibe on her, which... Creeped Yu out, so every time Guren would take Yu with him, Yu would make a scene and beg Guren to take him to the Tepes's house to play with Mikaela. Mikaela Shindou. Yu was left alone with Mahiru once and once was enough for Yu. Mahiru would ask a lot of weird stuff like "Do you like a girl?" "You like her?" "I have a little sister you know?" "Who are your real parents?" Honestly, Yu wouldn't have known he was adopted if it weren't for Mahiru. Yu talked about how he could see his best friend's eyes and how beautiful they were to Guren and Mahiru interrupted with a "You should stop saying bullshit like that, anyone who believes in that is stupid." Yu obviously took it personal, since his parents are soulmates so he argued with her and it almost turned into a fight. Luckily, Guren stopped them on time and send Yu away to his friend's house. It was fun since he could easily manipulate Guren's friend and make her buy whatever he wanted, which got him in trouble since Guren's friend lost 500 dollars on a child in one day, Lucky Yu.

"Guren is gonna get me in trouble with the Hiragis." Yu heard his dad mumble. He sounded kinda sad and angry at the same time. "She's gonna find me out." Yu's dad sounded so worried.

"Don't worry Dad!" Yu said with a lot of courage "I know how to fight! HA HA HA HA" He said as he made embarrassing fighting movements but still, Yu's dad didn't seem to laugh, not even smile.

"Leave me alone." Yu's dad left the living room and headed to his own room "Don't come!" Was the last thing his dad said before shutting and locking the door.

Yu kept quiet. All this time, he kept quiet. Maybe he should've told someone, he SHOULD'VE told someone, maybe if he had told someone then they wouldn't have been orphans now.

Yu: age 10
Guren: age 13

Days before the accident: 20

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