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Art by: Dessa-nya in DeviantArt
•Third POV•

Guren was sitting besides the window as always, not paying attention to the class, and instead looking at the boring black and white landscape.

Guren didn't need all that teaching for the future, why did he even need it? It's not like it's going to actually help him.

'Want to be a lawyer? Then just answer this; Who's the creator of computers? And how did he do it?' It's just stupid.

Guren just wanted to go home, put confortable clothes, push Yuu away from the TV, and watch TV without listening to Yuu complain.

Guren stared as the teacher walked out of the room as someone called for them.

After minutes that felt like seconds the teacher came back and talked to everyone "We have a new student!" As the teacher finished talking, a white hair guy with a bright smile and with closed eyes came into the room. "He's Shinya Hiragi, be nice to him." They all looked at Shinya "Would you be okay with a small presentation?" The teacher smiled.

Shinya nodded and slowly opened his eyes.

Guren took a break from the same as always black and white landscape to see something new. He felt the air escaping from his lungs as he looked at the new guy.

What the heck kind of color are his eyes? Why him? Why aren't they grey, or black, or white??
Was this the thing his mom and dad used to talk about? The special Color?

"My name is Shinya Hiragi and I'm 18 years old. Nice to meet you.." Shinya was staring at the floor and fiddling with his hands a lot.

As Shinya was looking at where to seat, he spotted a black hair guy with unusual eyes looking at him. Shinya stared at him for a while before moving towards him.

"Shinya Hiragi." Shinya smile, not loosing sight of Guren's eyes, and handed his hand to Guren.

"Guren Ichinose." Guren said as he accepted Shinya's hand.

Shinya laughed "I had so many jokes come at me at once."

"I've been told." Guren just looked at him.

After the somewhat formal introduction, Shinya took a sit besides Guren, and took a notebook out his bookbag to hand him a note 'Nice Eyes.'

Guren nodded and looked out the window, he would sometimes look back at Shinya, and stare at his eyes whenever he thought Shinya wasn't looking.

Is my subconscious trying to say something?


It was lunch break and Guren was walking besides Shinya, who.... hasn't stopped talking about his eyes.

"Is like weird but awesome weird! Your eyes are like.... umm.... I don't know! Is just hard to explain without knowing the name!" Shinya nervous laughed as he finally gave up.

"Your eyes are similar to white." Was all Guren said.

"Wow! Thanks for the specific description." Shinya pouted "Maybe try to be a bit more specific like I was."

"Your eyes look kinda like white but they aren't white." Guren re-arranged his words.

"Can't say you didn't try." Shinya clapped.

"I'm going to see if Yuu is in trouble again, bye." Guren waved and walked away from Shinya.

Look, it's not like Guren doesn't like Shinya, it's just that Guren can't really act clingy with someone who he just meet just because of the eyes color thing. Besides, the Hiragi kinda talked too much.... If he talked a bit less that would be perfect.

Also they just met! And Shinya was already acting as if they're best friends. THEY JUST FUCKING MET EACH OTHER!!

Guren Ichinose is not a man that you can convince easily by just saying 'Hi I'm your soulmate, nice to meet you' and then expect marriage. NO.

"Couldn't you've been nicer to me for once!" Guren said to himself as he walked to the bathroom.

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