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Color's Chap: 11 🎶🎵♣️

Yuchiro POV

Mika and I have been best friends for a while now which is amazing! Do friends kiss?

Doesn't matter.

Mika and I are friends and now we are going to a date in his mom's car...... Do friends go on dates? In their mother's car?

I don't know what we are but I know I can trust Mika with my life and dinner..... Do friends trust each other that much? Oh! Yes they do.

"Mika~" I called.

"Yes Yu-Chan?"

"What are we?" I tried to do the blinking eyes thing but it only made me dizzy, but at least I finished the sentence, although it made everything quiet.

"I'm pretty sure we're a Couple." Mika chuckled nervously.

Couple, couple, couple, couple, couple......





Now I'm scared.


"I don't want nobody to get kill" I began singing at that familiar song.

"You like that song?" The bastard Mika interrupted my singing but he's forgiven for being my boyfriend.

"I need!! I'LL BE THERE HOLD ON!!!" I shouted.

"Yu, Don't you think that song is a little... I don't know.... Dumb?"

"Dude I'm literally dedicating this song to you right now so shut the fuck up and listen to my beautiful singing." I stated before continue with my singing, blushing at my voice cracked at the high note.

Mika's POV

"What make us human after all!" Yu's tone deaf voice kept singing the Owari No Seraph song. I remember being a fan of that series as well, Yu and I would roleplay as the characters as kids, until Yu left and I noticed how sad that series really was...

But it's not time to focus on the sad world! My boyfriend (hehehehehe) is singing this song for me so I might as well listen and enjoy his singing (although his voice cracks here and there but that's puberty.)


I kept driving while Yu was singing that song without stop until the music ended.

"WOO" Yu took some air "what do you think of my singing abilities? Enough for me to go to Americans got talent?" He wiggled his eyebrows which made me chuckle.

I can't do this, I wanna kiss him so bad! So I stopped the car-

"What happen?" Yu looked at the road and sides, looking for a reason for the sudden stop probably.

"Yu, you are so cute."

"Don't play with my name dude."

"Yu don't need to get angry about it." I smirked.

"SHUT UP!!!"


"How the fuck did we lose a table? We came in in time!" Yu angrily shouted, yep, he's definitely related to Guren.

"I don't know..." Was it my fault? I said at 5 o'clock. "Maybe they heard the signing and decided to ban you."  Wait did I say 5 pm or 5 am? Who even opens at 5am?! Those poor morning workers.

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