Chapter 25

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Wei woke up first, as it had been his usual before he started that second job that had made him come home so late at night. But that was over now, no more second jobs, he would spend every night and every morning with Yunlan, he would talk to him and prove to him that he really loved him.

He woke Yunlan up with a kiss then went to make some breakfast for them.
Yunlan got up slowly a few minutes later, and followed the smell.

He smiled seeing Wei in the kitchen, and joined him at the table. When did all this food made its way into his house? Now that Wei took care of it, that kitchen saw more food in a day than in the entire time Yunlan had owned it.

They started eating then Wei remembered something and went to get a letter.
"I forgot to tell you. This arrived yesterday."

Yunlan took it and saw that it was a bill. He raised his eyes and saw Wei wink at him.
"That's for you, right?"

Yunlan smiled, never before had he been so happy after receiving a bill.
"Yes it is."

After breakfast Yunlan quickly got ready, they shared a goodbye kiss then he left for work, while Wei tidied up the kitchen.

Later that morning Wei went to work as well, feeling something light inside. I did it brother, I kept my promise, I let someone in and I'm happy, and I'll do my best to make him happy too.

He was cheerful all morning, he liked it there and he was in good terms with many employees.
It was almost lunch break now, and Wei thought back at the dinner he had made for Yunlan last night. And also at what had followed.

Once that thought entered his head it was hard to get rid of it.
Lunch got delivered, he brought everyone their orders, leaving Yunlan's for last so that maybe he could stay with him while he ate it.

He laughed at this, he had fought so hard for his independence and now he was already missing him after only a few hours apart, but he didn't push the thought away, didn't reject it, this time he welcomed it.

He loved him, it was only natural to want to be with him. He did as Hong once told him, he accepted all these feelings, no more running away.
He took Yunlan's and Wang Zheng's lunch and went to the fifth floor.
He gave her hers, then motioned towards Yunlan's office door.

Wang Zheng didn't know about them, so she thought she was being kind when she said, "You can leave it here, I will take care of it."

Wei gave her an embarrassed smile and blushed a little.
"No thanks, I want to do it myself."

She became even redder and let it go.
Wei knocked on the door then entered.
Yunkan had his back to him, checking something in the library behind his desk.
"Just put it there Wang, I'll eat it later."

"Why don't you take a break and eat it now?"

Yunlan bolted at the sound of his voice.
"Wei..." he said, and Wei marvelled at that voice that sounded so much like he had just witnessed a miracle. Would he ever be able to repay such love?

"Your lunch," Wei said, handing it to him. Yunlan took it with a thank you, but didn't sit down.

Wei cleared his throat.
"I'm sorry, I think I just let your secretary understand about us."

"You don't want people to know?" Yunlan asked with a frown.

"No! Well, I think it's private and nobody's business, but I meant it mostly for you, this is your company, I don't like the idea of people gossiping behind your back."

"It's not 'my' company, and Wang doesn't gossip. Don't worry."

Wei was a bit relieved that Yunlan didn't seem bothered by it, and now he could notice the way Yunlan was looking at him.

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