Chapter 21

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For two days straight Yunlan hadn't received any mail and Wei was thinking that he would have to give up any excuse and just go up and talk to him, when he finally saw a letter addressed to him.

It was a personal letter, sent by a certain Da Qing. It wasn't the first time this person sent Yunlan something, and every time Wei wondered who it was, before laughing at himself. 'Yunlan was supposed to be the jealous one, and now look at me...' but this time it might turn out to be useful, to give him that start that he was looking for.

He dealt with everything else first until that one letter was the only one left.
He took the elevator feeling his heart beat wildly. He walked towards Yunlan's office until he saw his secretary.

He took a deep breath and got near her desk. "Hello miss Wang, I just saw Mr Sang and he said he'd like to talk to you if you're not too busy."

Her eyes widened, she murmured something about not having anything to do right now and quickly vanished.
Wei smiled, he had seen Mr Sang unlock his computer with the password 'WangZheng' and felt sure that he wouldn't sent her back up just like that, with a bit of luck he might even corroborate his story.

He hoped not to get in trouble, but he had another priority right now.
He looked at Yunlan's office door. He thought 'now or never' and knocked.

As he entered Yunlan's eyes were still on the documents before him. Without even raising them, he asked, "What is it Wang?"

"I'm not Wang," Wei replied.

Yunlan's eyes shot up. "Wei! It's you..." was all he said.

Wei felt his heart beat like crazy again, and he tried to give himself a mental speech: 'what am I doing? I should be saying something now. He's right here in front of me, looking as hot as always, damn how I miss those lips, I want to feel them on me again, I want to feel me on him again, I want to bend him over that desk and...'

"Wei? Did you need anything? Has anything happened?" Yunlan's voice interrupted his own not-so-helpful encouragement speech.

"Yes. But I came here to give you this."
Wei gave him the letter and Yunlan gave him a puzzled look.
"Thanks, you could have given this to Wang though."

"She wasn't at her desk, and I thought it might be important."

"Not at her desk? Where is she?" It wasn't like her to be absent without letting him know first.

"I think she got called by Mr Sang downstairs." He sighed inwardly, why did he have to lie to him? He should really learn to be honest but it was so hard when the heart was concerned...

"Mr Sang? That's good, it took him long enough if you ask me." That made sense to Yunlan, those two had already spent too much time tiptoeing around each other, it was about time they'd do something about it.

Wei handed over the letter and saw Yunlan giving it a look before he placed it in his jacket.
"You're taking it home? Is it something personal?" he asked, unable to stop himself.

Yunlan smiled, he knew jealousy when he saw it, he had seen it many times in the mirror. "Yeah, it's from a very special person," he said, and he saw Wei frown.

"Da Qing is my childhood friend, we are like brothers," he added, and he saw Wei's face visibly relieved.

"Were you jealous?" he asked but he regretted it immediately, the last thing he wanted was to make Wei angry, specially now that they were talking face to face again. "I'm sorry I didn't mean..."

"Yes I was," escaped Wei's lips, but he didn't regret it. No more lies or excuses, it was time he showed Yunlan his heart without fear. Whatever the outcome, he owed him as much. If he wanted him back, he had to show him the true Wei.

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