Chapter 15

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Wei watched in horror as Yunlan's arm hit Hong's face. She stumbled and fell down.

He hurried to help her while Yunlan stood frozen. "I...I'm sorry, I didn't mean..."

He tried to lend a hand but Wei yelled at him. "Stay away from her!"

Yunlan stood back, he had never hit anyone in his entire life, he felt so bad he didn't know what to do.

Wei helped her up and shot a deathly glare at him. "Did you drank your sanity along with all that alcohol?"

"I... I had a beer but..."

"One? Yunlan, you stink!"
Wei wrapped his arms around Hong's shoulders and lead her towards the car. He turned to say: "Don't come near me ever again!"

Then he got in the car and drove her home.


Mr Zhu was home when they arrived. As soon as he saw her face he became furious and demanded an explanation. She tried to calm him down, she told him it wasn't Wei's fault but this time there was nothing she could do.

All Mr Zhu knew was that since she was around Wei she already got hurt twice, he wasn't going to let it happen again!
Wei really couldn't blame him, he was a father worried for his daughter and Wei understood that.

Mr Zhu fired him, of course. Wei remained calm and bowed.
"I understand sir. Thank you for giving me a job when I needed it. After my brother's death I wouldn't have known what to do without your help. I'm really sorry your daughter got hurt because of me. Goodbye sir."

He turned to her. He said, "Goodbye miss Hong," and left the house followed by her teary eyes.
Mr Zhu felt sorry for him, but he didn't change his mind.

Once Wei was outside, keeping calm proved to be more difficult. What would he do now? He called Chu who said that he was home, he had the afternoon shift and would start working in an hour, so Wei went home to talk face to face.

Chu was very understanding, told him they were friends and that he would pay his part of the rent whenever he could, but Wei felt guilty about it.

He would have to start looking for a new job, but he had no qualifications of any kind, so it wouldn't be easy.


Yunlan took a few days off work. He couldn't believe he had hit a woman. What had happened to him?

Sure, he always enjoyed a beer or two, but lately he had drank much more, instead of enjoying what he had he had been consumed by the fear of losing it, and had ruined everything.

He despised what he had become. He threw away all the alcohol he had in the house, but the long hours alone were difficult, and the nights he couldn't sleep.

The first days were the worst, the pain of having lost Wei was too much. Many times he reached the door to go buy himself something to drink, then the image of Wei looking at him horrified stopped his hand about to open the door.

Every time, he shut it close again and went to curl up on the bed, murmuring Wei's name as if it was the only thing that could give him the strength to go on.

He didn't leave his house for days, ordering delivery and drinking only tea.
After a week he felt strong enough to leave the house without entering the first bar he saw.

He knew Wei wouldn't want to see him, but he had to, at least from afar, he had to see Wei's face. He didn't know where he lived, so he went again in front of Zhu's house. He saw Zhu Hong exiting the house and a guy he had never seen before waiting for her with the car door open.

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