The Lost Victory: Alternate Ending

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Iron Man POV

I continued to try and blast Tartarus as Percy and Annabeth dragged Clint out of the fire. Thor gave me a boost and we were able to hit Tartarus' one good eye for the second time, making him roar once more.

I glanced back over at Clint, who seemed to be sitting up. It looked like he had bad burns on his arms. 

I nodded at Steve. We were going to finish this. For Clint and Pepper.

Steve got everyone together. Tartarus was still roaring with pain. 

Percy and Annabeth got Clint to safety and then joined us. Together we launched a coordinated attack, assaulting Tartarus all at once. I came in the most powerful blast I could. 

Tartarus crumbled, under my hand, fulfilling the prophecy. We stood there, breathless, grins growing on our faces as we realized what we just did. Percy and Annabeth took a second of looking at each other, and then burst out laughing. I didn't understand the joke, but I grinned anyways.

We all grasped hands and Percy, with much difficulty, vapor traveled us out.

We walked up Half-Blood Hill with an exhaustion in our bodies, but that couldn't lower our spirits. Leo and Nico came out to meet us. "You're back, you're back! Did you do it?! Did you defeat Tartarus?" Leo said excitedly.

Nico frowned. "Where's Annabeth and Percy?"

Leo's smiled faded. "Yeah. Where are they?"

We parted, revealing the tired and hurt heroes behind us. They both had large cuts in the backs of their knees from Tartarus' sword. But they were helping each other up the hill. 

Leo grinned and ran down the hill towards them, embracing them. "You didn't die."

"Nope," Percy responded. "We fell, though. That's how we got these." He gestured to the cuts in the backs of their legs.

Leo burst out laughing. Nico remained straight-faced. "This isn't funny, Leo," Nico admonished. "They could have died!"

"It's a little funny," Annabeth replied. Together, the heroes limped into camp.


Third Person POV

"You're lucky you got here so fast," Will explained as he wrapped the demigods' knees in bandage. "Any longer and these would be infected." He handed Annabeth nectar and walked back to the counter to get some Advil for Percy. Nico stood at the foot of the bed, watching Will with a confused expression.

Percy threw up his hands. "Why do I get Advil and she gets nectar?!" 

Will smiled and gave him two pills. "Because you let my boyfriend shadow-travel to see his dad and he fainted at my cabin doorstep." Nico's cheeks flushed. 

Percy let guilt flood his cheeks. "Sorry, Will. I didn't realize it would drain him so much." 

"Well, now you know. You can have nectar when the Advil wears off." Annabeth grinned and took a long drink from her glass. 

"It was no big deal," Nico protested. "You should give him the nectar."

Will just pecked his cheek and ignored him, walking away. Nico trailed behind him, protesting still.


There was a great feast that night. The Avengers were sorted by personality into each cabin to eat, which was to the great amusement of the campers.

Percy sat down at the Poseidon table, grinning from afar at Annabeth. The Athena campers were all gathered around their new cabinmate, Bruce. Percy didn't envy Bruce. He would be pestered for the rest of the night. 

Percy dug into the delicious food, wishing someone had been chosen for his cabin so he'd at least have someone to talk to. Nico usually joined him, but he was with the Apollo cabin.  Suddenly, someone sat down next to him. He turned his head, expecting Annabeth and prepared to tell her to enjoy her night with the Athena cabin and pestering Bruce. 

But it wasn't Annabeth.

It was his dad.

"Father," Percy said, surprised. "Why are you here?"

Poseidon pressed a finger to his lips. "Don't tell my dear brother. I'm not supposed to be here." He looked at Chiron, who was conversing with Mr. D. "I'm surprised Dionysus hasn't noticed I'm here. Anyways, I thought I would congratulate you on a well-done quest."

Percy smiled. "Thanks. I couldn't have done it without the Avengers and Annabeth, though."

Poseidon nodded. "The words of a true hero. I'm afraid I should be back before my brother gets word of me here, but give this to Annabeth. Athena couldn't come herself, but she wanted me to give her daughter a message."

Percy took the message. "I'll give it to her. Bye, Father."

Poseidon winked and disappeared. Percy glanced over at Chiron to see if he noticed, and Chiron looked at him and smiled.


The Avengers soon had to leave. Tony had already left to be with his fiance, who was said to make a full recovery. 

The demigods no longer had a debt to pay to the Avengers, but the two groups would always be able to help each other in the future.

Thanks to @xXRainStorm (one of the mysterious S's) for helping me edit this and boosting my morale the whole time I wrote it when I was young and this book was trash.

The ending of this chapter was hard to write and the last sentence was just a little cringy but IT'S OVER YAYYYY.


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