Tony Stark

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Before we begin! Three cheers for the PJ Disney Plus Adaption!! Congrats Rick:) (update as of 1/1/24- i LOVE the show !!!!)

Annabeth's POV

To say I was overexcited would be an understatement. I had the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet Tony Stark, the billionaire genius designer. Even if he wasn't as much into architecture, I was still a huge fan. I bounced in the seat of the cab, Avengers Tower starting to loom closer to us.

As soon as I found out that I won the contest, I called Percy to tell him. He was happy that I had won, but I could tell he wasn't interested in the "architectury stuff" as he put it.

Three months ago, I entered a design competition. The winner received a meeting with Tony Stark. And, in the end, the judges chose me! I was beyond elated, I was over the moon.

I was visiting my dad when I found out, but quickly returned to camp once I received the call. The meeting was only a week away. Today, I had sprung out of bed before hailing a cab to Avengers Tower. I paid the fee and stepped out of the cab. Before me, Avengers Tower stood tall. I took a deep breath, tucked my laptop under my arm, and pushed through the front doors. The lady at the desk looked up.

"Can I help you?"

"I'm Annabeth Chase, the winner of the design competition."

The lady nodded and typed something on her computer. She nodded again and passed me a visitor ID. "Head up to the 20th floor. He should already be in there, but knowing him, he'll be late."

"Thank you," I answered, taking the badge and slinging it around my neck. I marched over to the elevator and punched in the 20th floor. I waited for an agonizing minute and finally arrived.

There was no one in there, as the lady at the desk had predicted. I took a seat at the long table and set my backpack down, checking for my ambrosia, nectar, and long dagger. They were all there. I opened my laptop and started on a project Leo and I were working on, phones that didn't attract monsters, but I couldn't focus. I kept looking around at the amazing architecture that surrounded me.And I was going to meet the man who designed it all!

Suddenly, a man poked his head out the elevator. A man I recognized very quickly. Tony Stark.

"Are you Annabeth Chase?" He asked, walking towards me. I nodded quickly. I wasn't sure what to say. He almost looked bored, and I swallowed nervously.

He walked in and sat down across from me. He hesitated. "Well, I haven't seen the design that won it all. Show me?"

"Of course," I said, turning my laptop so he could see. He stared at it and moved the design around to see the back.

"What program did you use?" he asked. He gave the laptop back to me.

I showed him. He looked surprised. "That's what I use," he told me.

Tony rolled his chair across the floor to a small kitchenette, where he grabbed a small black remote. He hit a button on the remote and the TV lit up with a design software. It was the same one that I use, and it showed a design for a new Iron Man suit.

I leaned forward, curious. "Are those nuclear blasters?!" I asked, suddenly alarmed. He shook his head quickly.

"No. I wanted to add them in, but Fury wouldn't let me. Something about the safety of the citizens. Plus, Steve was going on and on about honor and nuclear blasters being too destructive. So I stuck to repulsers but made them look like nuclear ones."

All of a sudden, another man entered the room. He had short blonde hair and was very muscular. He froze when he saw me, his eyebrows furrowing.

"The receptionist told me you would be- Sorry, am I interrupting something?" he said, putting his hands up and backing toward the door.

"You're Steve Rodgers! Captain America!" I said. The kids at camp weren't exactly fans of the Avengers. They got credit for every good deed they did, while we had to hide and cover everything up. But was pretty dang cool to meet another one.

He nodded awkwardly. "I can go..." his voice trailed off.

"Capsicle, come see this. It's a really good design for a plane," Tony said, beckoning Steve over. He took a seat next to me and shifted the laptop towards him. He stared at it for several seconds before saying,

"You're hurting my brain. In English, please." He pushed the laptop back towards me. Tony rolled his eyes. I laughed.

"You're like my boyfriend, Percy. When I showed him this, he asked to add...more understandable labels. I let him... and this happened." I showed him a separate design that was the same aircraft, but all the labels were different.

He sighed in content. "This is what I need from you, Tony." he read out, "Super awesome engines. Wings. Not, ultra-high efficient repulsor engines or whatever you're calling them these days."

Tony shook his head. "It's so difficult living with people who don't understand quantum physics."

Steve raised his eyebrows at me. "So, tell me more about this boyfriend, Percy."

I blushed. "Percy Jackson. We've been together, like, forever. We've been through hell and back and we do everything together. I can't imagine life without him." Steve grinned at my response.

Tony began to say something but was interrupted by yet another person walking through the door. And this time, it was Nick Fury.

He did a double take when he saw me, but he didn't press it. He looked at Tony and Steve. "Receptionist said you'd be in here." He walked closer. "Meeting, my office. Five minutes."

Tony looked indignant. "I'm in the middle of something right now! You can't just take away me away from my everyday life because you can't bother to give us any notice!"

The man glared at him. "I'm your boss, that's exactly what I do. Besides, I did give you notice. Five minute's notice. My office. Don't be late." With that, he swept out of the room.

Tony looked at me apologetically. "Sorry, kiddo. I'll call you. Fury can be really annoying sometimes." I wrote down my phone number and gave it to him, and then made my way out, abuzz with the possibility of another meeting with Tony Stark.

Tony POV

I grumbled all the way to Fury's office. Annabeth had really been something! She was a kid who actually understood engineering, not all the pretenders from other contests who picked up a book and designed something they didn't understand.

I stepped into the office after Capsicle. Fury pointed at the clock. "Thirty seconds late. Take a seat."

I contained my anger as I sat down. As soon as I got out of here, I was calling Annabeth. I wasn't done with the meeting. He handed us all a file. "New target. 18 year old boy, black hair and green eyes. Wanted for terrorism."

"What's his name?" asked Natasha as she received her file.

"Percy Jackson."

A/N This is my first fanfiction, so feel free to give me feedback in the comments! Thank you!

Edited. (Breathes a sigh of relief realizing this chapter isn't trash anymore.)

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