The Prophecy

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Annabeth POV

As we rode in a cab back to camp, I thought about the battle. It all made sense. Tartarus wasn't happy with us for escaping him, so he sent three hellhounds after us that were nearly impossible to defeat. Each monster we face would probably be harder and harder to kill and come back quicker and quicker.

It was Gaea all over again.

But how would we defeat Tartarus himself? I definitely wasn't going back there.

We told the driver to stop at Half-Blood Hill, and we made our way to the Big House, where Chiron was waiting in his wheelchair on the porch.

"Percy, Annabeth! I was beginning to worry. You said you'd be coming to camp as soon as you left Percy's!"

"Sorry. Avengers attacked me. We got caught up by three hellhounds- not to mention Tartarus started talking to us. It wasn't a particularly long conversation, but we got the gist. He wants to kill me, bla, bla, bla, the usual. Like every other monster I meet. But this time...It's a god- well, a primordial, so I'm in trouble this time..." Percy's voice trailed off as he noticed Chiron shaking his head.

"You're gone for an hour and you draw the attention of both mortals and immortals. Come on, we'll discuss this." He rolled inside and up to the ping pong table. "Percy, get the other camp leaders."

Percy ran and gathered the camp leaders, which took a while, while I asked Chiron questions.

"How can we defeat the Pit? What about the Avengers?"

"I'll answer your questions once the others get here."

I nodded. I sat nervously in my seat as Percy returned with all of the camp counselors.

They all sat down and Chiron cut right to the chase. "Tartarus is after Percy and Annabeth."

There were mild reactions, but a lot of things were after Percy, so this wasn't unusual. Clarisse flipped a knife between her fingers. "Great. Maybe I can finally get rid of him," she said. Everyone knew she didn't mean it- her and Percy were on good terms- but this was normal Clarisse behavior.

Chiron sighed. "I honestly don't know how to defeat the Pit. I think you would have to have a god on your side. But who knows if the gods will help?"

I sighed. "Okay, we'll come back to that. We also have the issue of the Avengers hunting Percy down."

Clarisse stopped flipping her knife. "What?!"

"I know, right? They tried to tranq me," Percy said.

Nico sat up, now paying attention. "This is bad- if they find out who he is..."

Chiron nodded. "I agree."

Piper looked confused. "Why would the Avengers be in a position to tranq Percy? Why was he even near the Avengers?"

I explained about the contest and Stark inviting Percy along, and then Black Widow trying to capture Percy and the fight.

Nico groaned. "You shouldn't have knocked them out. You would have been wanted either way, but now they know they are really strong and they will assume you're violent."

Percy looked defensive. "They attacked first, and anyways, I didn't know they were going to try and tranq me. If I did I would have had a plan."

Nico looked exasperated. "Always have a plan, Percy! And Annabeth, I would have expected you to have a plan! You're going into a government building, the government wants Percy, you should have had a plan to escape!" I blushed- he was right, I should have had a plan. That doesn't mean he should yell about it though.

Will whispered something into Nico's ear and he seemed to calm down. Percy put his arm around me.

Piper put her hands to her head. "So...we have a problem..." she summed up perfectly.

Percy nodded. "Just the usual day for me. All those monsters wanting revenge for me killing their siblings and stuff. Only this time, it's a primordial..." he said.

I slapped him on the arm. "Yeah, you can't kill your way out of this one, Seaweed Brain."

Leo interrupted. "Hey, we defeated Gaea! Mother Earth for goodness sakes! We can defeat Tartarus no prob!" He started fiddling with a metal contraption. "Plus, I'm sure Rachel can start spewing a prophecy for us."

Everyone looked at Rachel expectantly. "What? I can't make the oracle in me-"

Green smoke started to spill from her mouth. The Stoll brothers rushed forward and steadied her as she began to speak:

Enter the Pit of Death once more,

Seek out the mortal heroes' war,

The children of Sea and Wisdom shall fall,

Hell will crumble at mortals' palm.

Silence followed and Rachel stumbled forward. "What did I say this time?" she said.

Peter POV

Percy Jackson wasn't a bad person. I recognized him from our school last year, but I didn't really know him. He was always standing up to bullies, and when you were around him, you got the sense that he had been through a lot. He had this scar on his hand that looked nasty, and one time in gym, I saw this huge scar down his back.

I wasn't sure what the scars were from, but they looked like whatever caused them hurt.

I decided to stick around, and I told the rest of the Avengers that Percy went to a swim club in the summer that met every Monday at five.

I called Aunt May to tell her that I was staying at a friend's house for a while. She calmed down and didn't ask any questions. She had learned from many experiences with me to not ask questions.

I joined the others as we stalked out the swim club. We had been there for an hour now, and I was relieved when people started to stream out of the building.

I didn't spot Percy immediately. He looked lost in thought and was trailing at the back of the group. He had a backpack slung over one shoulder, and his eyes looked dull, like he was worried about something. As he drew closer, I heard him mutter, "Children of sea and wisdom will fall..." I wondered what that was about.

Clint nudged my arm. That was my cue. I was supposed to walk up to him, as we went to the same school.

I got up and walked up to him. He didn't notice me and kept walking down the street.

"Hey, Percy?" I asked, keeping my tone level. He looked up, startled.

"Oh, sorry, I was thinking. Peter, right?" he asked me.

I nodded. "How's your summer been?"

He groaned. "Okay. The usual. I go to summer camp, I get in trouble, I have to deal with the trouble. The not so endearing usual."

"There's a rumor going around that you're a terrorist," I blurted out. I mentally slapped myself.

He looked sharply at me, suspicious. "Well, whoever spreading that rumor is terribly misinformed. Me, a terrorist? That's laughable." He chuckled.

I forced a chuckle too, looking at the ground. He asked me what I was doing that summer.

"Oh, I got a Stark Internship, so that's going good. I'm just trying to go through life..." I said. That was the truth.

His voice was shaky as he said, "Me too." And then I found myself on the ground, a sword pointed at my throat.

A/N Thanks to my 'editor', S! I'll be going on vacation for ten days, so I won't be posting. I will try to post when I get back! Sorry!

Edited. yay! Fourth one done!

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