Follow the Trail of Steamy, Hot Lava

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A/N That meme above is a tribute to one of my editors (S), as she likes this meme. And just so you know, I don't remember what Tartarus looks like from the books, so I'm imagining him as Kronos from the second movie. Thanks.

Annabeth POV

When I opened my eyes, we were standing about two inches from the steamy hot lava that I had seen way too much last year.

I very nearly had a flashback there and now, but I whirled around and kissed Percy. That helped. A lot. (Percabeth moment.)

Natasha looked mildly interested. "Are we actually there, then? Like, in-"

"Don't say it," I cut her off. "That's dangerous. We don't need a fight right now." I started to walk away from the lava. "I asked Hades to send us to Nyx's palace, and it looks like he did."

Standing tall about 100 feet in front of me, was a structure that was simply darkness. We couldn't see anything about it other than its shape.

Tony was standing in his new suit, mask off, staring open mouthed at Nyx's palace. Percy shivered but pushed through the Avengers and strode through the palace.

"Percy," I said, calling him back. He paused and looked back at me. "We need a plan."

"We have a plan," he said. "Walk in, grab Penny or whatever her name is, and get out."

"Pepper. And I don't think that qualifies as a plan."

Percy shook his head. "Okay. Tell me the plan."

I paced, hand on my chin. "Well, we don't know the lay of the land. So, Percy, can you somehow sense the life sources in there?"

"And how am I supposed to do that?"

"Feel the water in their bodies."

Percy let out a breath. "Okay. I've never tried that before." He closed his eyes and concentrated. "Three...Though, two are...different."

I nodded. "Just as I suspected. Either Nyx or him, Alastor, and Pepper."

Percy nodded in understanding and opened up his eyes.

Tony flipped his mask down, speaking through our comms. "Maybe we should head in and take a look around."

"We wouldn't be able to see anything. We'll have to rely on Percy to lead us to the Pepper," I said. I didn't blame the billionaire for not thinking of this. I was barely holding myself together as it is.

Tony smacked his head. "Duh."

Percy put his hands up. "Wait, wait, wait. I can sense Pepper, but I can't sense walls. Why do I have to be the one to smack into things?"

I struggled with the question. How were they going to navigate?

"Well, can't Jarvis sense them? He's not human, so he could probably be able to tell where the walls are," Steve put forward.

I nodded, catching on. "Good point. Can he do that, Tony?"

Tony scoffed through the helmet. "Of course."

"Alright then. Percy will tell us which direction to go in, and Tony will help us avoid walls."

Tony strode towards somewhere in the middle of the house. He swung open what seemed to be the door, and the darkness spread out like ink leaking.

Percy closed his eyes. "Forward and to the right a bit."

Tony nodded. "We're going to have to take a sharp right and then turn." He led us into the house, all touching each other like a sick, costumed conga line.

Percy tried to continue forward, but Tony pulled him back. "To the left a bit more."

We continued like this until we walked into another room, where there were several candles lit. It didn't bode well.

For the candles spelled out: HERE SHE IS.

___DUH DUH DUUUUUUH____________________

Lying on the ground behind the candles was Pepper, motionless on the ground.

Tony yelled and flipped up his mask. He surged towards Pepper, shaking her.

"Pepper! Pepper, wake up! Pepper!"

I could tell Tony wasn't thinking straight. I rushed over and took Pepper's pulse. It was the faintest pulse I have ever felt.

I removed Tony and sat with her until she breathed in a good, deep breath and lurched up a bit.

When she saw me, her eyes widened and she shook her head. "N-No! It-It's a t-trap!"

"We know. We came anyway," Percy said from behind me.

"N-No, y-you don't u-understand. DUCK!"

Now, Percy and I have been through so much that we didn't even question the order. We ducked our heads.

A large sword came slicing over where our heads had been a second ago. Percy and I turned around. Standing behind us, was not Nyx, or Alastor. Standing behind us was Tartarus.

Bruce Banner POV

I did not feel right down here. This was a place for the Hulk, not a nerd scientist doctor.

Still, I couldn't just let Hulk go, he would immediately ruin our chances of sneaking in. But when the super tall demon thing erupted out of the ground behind the demigods and tried to behead them, I figured it was time to let the other guy out.

Third Person POV for battle

Hulk roared and took a flying leap onto Tartarus' back. He pounded it with his fists, making lava erupt from Tartarus' skin and the room they were in to rumble. The candles fell over and spread along the dark wood floor.

Slowly, the flames spread until the Avengers and demigods were surrounded. The shape the took on was unnatural; Tartarus must have been controlling them. Tartarus roared and shook Hulk off.

Percy uncapped Riptide and tried to plunge it through Tartarus' gut. Tartarus swung his massive sword until Percy was forced to duck, getting a haircut for his efforts.

Annabeth took shared a look with Steve and Captain America bounced her off his shield. Annabeth plunged her sword into Tartarus' head.

Tartarus roared again, making the room shake. Clint loaded two celestial bronze tipped arrows into his bow and shot at Tartarus' eyes. He dived out of the way in time for just one to hit his eye. He ripped it out, but his eye was cloudy and blind.

Natasha, while this was all happening, took out the two short swords attached to her back. She viciously attacked at Tartarus' legs, while Peter tried the trick he did with Ant Man.

Tartarus stumbled a bit, but not enough for them to gain the advantage. Annabeth had leaped off and was working with Natasha and Percy to weaken Tartarus.

Tony had successfully gotten Pepper away and over the fire line, and was flying around Tartarus, trying to blast his good eye.

Percy jogged away from the attack and tried to see if there was any water in Tartarus' blood- to his surprise there was none, only fire and lava. He growled in frustration and sensed only a little moisture on floor as a water source. He jogged back to Annabeth's side.

Thor continued his tactic of throwing lightning down on the primoridal, but nothing seemed to faze him.

Hulk had recovered and slammed his fists into the ground, slicing a crack that led to Tartarus. Tartarus growled in surprise as his foot slipped into it and he stumbled. They took it as another opportunity to attack.

But they all knew that they were wearing themselves out, and Tartarus could go forever.

They weren't going to win this fight.

A/N Only a couple chapters left! Don't worry, it's a happy ending, a bit bittersweet. Thank you for reading, book nerds! (BTW, I totally mean that as a compliment.)

Edited. This wasn't as bad as I thought it was when I remembered writing this.

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