The Hour Is Up

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Percy POV

I was so lost in my thoughts of the prophecy, specifically one line where Annabeth and I die, so I didn't notice the boy, Peter, walking next to me.

"Hey, Percy?" he said, catching my attention.

"Oh, sorry, I was just thinking," I answered truthfully. "Peter, right?"

He nodded and asked me what I was up to. I responded the vague response I give everyone else who ask me that.

Then he blurted out that there was a rumor that I was a terrorist. I narrowed my eyes at him. Only the Avengers thought that. I told him it wasn't true.

When he mentioned the Stark Internship, I saw right through him. I flipped him and uncapped Riptide in one fluid motion, pointing it toward his neck. Again, I forgot that it couldn't hurt him, but luckily he apparently could see through the mist and did not know I couldn't hurt him with this.

The Avengers surrounded me. "Look, guys, I really don't want to hurt you or Peter here, but you are forcing me to fight you! I wasn't trying to hurt any of you!"

Captain America stepped forward. "We want peace too. But you are currently pressing Peter to the ground with a sword, and we want answers." Could they all see through the mist?

I looked guiltily at Peter, who had his eyes closed. I took Riptide off of him and offered him a hand up. He took it with relief and stood up next to me.

"I'm not a terrorist, whatever you may think. But the next time you want to make peace, don't send in a spy. Just come up and talk to me."

Cap nodded. "Can we compromise? Can you just come in for an hour?"

I sighed. I would have to ask Annabeth. I pulled out my phone and called her.

She answered. I explained the situation, and she suggested that I go in as long as they don't run any tests on me. I thanked her and hung up.

I turned to the Avengers and Peter. "I'll come, but you have to promise not to run any tests on me and not to take my blood."

Cap looked uneasy, but he nodded and led me to a car that they had used to get over here.

I was silent almost the whole ride, but I kept stealing glances at Peter. Why was he with the Avengers?

Then I saw the bump on his head.

I gasped audibly. The others looked at me in alarm.

"Earlier, Cap's shield hit Spider-Man on the head. Peter has a bump on his head in the exact same spot. He said he was working the 'Stark Internship' but it's really a job with the Avengers, isn't it? You're Spider-Man!" Peter looked at me, shocked.

He stuttered. "I-I d-don't know w-what you're t-talking about."

Hawkeye laughed. "He got you there, Peter."

He held up his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay. Yes, you're right, I am Spider-Man. Just, you can't tell anyone, okay? Even if you're sure they already know." I nodded in agreement.

"I never would have guessed that quiet, nerdy Peter from school was Spider-Man," I said.

Peter smiled. "You just did."

I shook my head. Something surprises me every day. I got lost in my thought of the prophecy again. Did I really have to enter Tartarus again? Did I really have to die?

But then again, my death had been foretold a thousand times before. Maybe I would survive this time too.

I didn't notice when we arrived at Avengers Tower. We all got out and walked through the front door. The lady at the desk didn't question us, but she handed me a visitor's badge.

Percy Jackson Meets the AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now