First and Last Night

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River is in Stormcage, and she hears the TARDIS.

The Doctor and Jared are piloting, River walks in, sees a dress hanging up by console.

"The dress is a little daring..." River said.

"Yup, so I went for this instead." The Doctor said.

"Are we going out?" River asked.

"Your parents are asleep. We have their younger versions here. Before they know who you are." Jared said, leaning against the TARDIS console. "Team RWBY, JNR, and Penny are in the karaoke bar with the Symphogear wielders. So, they're having a blast. How's Stormcage?"

"I'm on the first night of 12,000 consecutive life sentences, and I basically covered for Ryuko Matoi since she's human, kind of early to say. Where are we going?" River asked.

"Calderon Beta. Boring planet of the chip shops, but...there is a 400 foot tree growing out of a cliff top on the north side of a mountain in the middle of the sea. And, if you take the lift to the top and look up at exactly 12 minutes past midnight on the 21st of September 2360, you can see more stars in one sky than at any other moment in the history of the Universe. It's like daylight, only magic. You could read a book by it!" The Doctor said, excitedly.

"Is it ok if I don't?" River asked.

"We've got 10 minutes, get dressed."

"Oh that's so close to the perfect sentence."

"Shut up, River. You two can flirt on your own time." Jared said, smiling. "Thanks, for, you know..."

"Don't mention it, darling. You have a workload on you. Why can't I help a little with that?" River asked.

"You can. And you will start now. And it starts with the thing we left with you way back in Berlin. Did you bring the diary?"

"It's a diary?"

"It is now, because River from now on, there are rules..." The Doctor said.

"These rules are rather important too, River." Jared said, sadly.

"Oh the two of you have gone all strict, not that I mind." River said.

"River, the three of us, it's all in the wrong order, we never meet in sequence. You put everything in the diary so we know where we are." The Doctor said.

"And you put in the encounters you have with my friends in the diary too. Just have them tell me that you helped them." Jared said, looking at River.

"Put what in the diary? Just social calls? Sweetie, darling, I'm in the highest security prison in all of the known Universe." River said.

"River Song could walk in and out of that prison like the walls aren't there." The Doctor said.

"And River Song can snatch the TARDIS for a little getaway trip without the Doctor even noticing." Jared said, happily. "Maybe go on some adventures with me and my friends in the process."

"I'm River Song." River said. "And stealing it is no problem. I can do that easily, darling."

"Then you'll be fine. And oi, she is not stealing my TARDIS. If you don't like the dress, there's plenty more in the wardrobe. First right, second left, just past the helter-skelter." The Doctor said.

River leaves, the Doctor and Jared hears gunfire outside.

"Shit." Jared said, looking at the Doctor.

"Ah." The Doctor said. "That can't be good."

The Doctor and Jared run to the doors and the Time Lord opens it, another River falls in.

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