The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe

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The Doctor is making a phone call to the Tardis. Jared is standing next to him.


"Amy. Amy? Hello? Amy, it's me, the Doctor. I'm with Jared. Hello. Bit of a situation." The Doctor said, his voice over the speaker.


"Intruder alert." The computer said.

"I've got my finger on a button, which is fine, but as soon as I take my finger off the button, the spaceship is going to explode." The Doctor said,

"Doctor, it's good and bad!" Jared said, while the spaceship sparks. "The spaceship we're on is about to attack the Earth! Your fault for not stopping it. And we're able to get all smithereened. Please tell me you have a plan for us to get out of this!"

"I do. Amy, I'm going to send you the coordinates so you can fly the Tardis here and rescue us." The Doctor said.

"For god's sake! There are three flaws to that plan. We don't have the coordinates. Amy can't fly the TARDIS at all. And Amy is not even in the goddamn TARDIS. She left ages ago!" Jared said, crossing his arms.

"Oh, well. I think we just wanted a chat before all the smithereens. Merry Christmas, Amelia." The Doctor said, closing his eyes and releasing the red button.

The spaceship starts to go KaBOOM!

"Time to run, Spaceman." Jared said, annoyed.

Earth orbit...

Cannons of mass destruction protrude from the flanks of an impossibly long spaceship.

"People of Earth, you stand alone." An alien said, over the speaker.

Boom. Parts of the spaceship explode and it starts to fall apart.

"Intruder alert. Intruder alert." The computer said, over the speaker.


"Intruder alert." The computer said, over the speaker.

The Doctor and Jared run along a disintegrating corridor.

"Hurry up, Doctor!" Jared said, angrily. "This is your fault!"

The Doctor sonics their way into the spacesuit storage area by an airlock, then an explosion blows half of it away.

"How is it my fault?" The Doctor asked.

The Doctor and Jared are hanging on to the end of a frayed cable.

"You had to put us on a spaceship like this!" Jared said, angrily. "Find a fucking spacesuit and get us out of here."

"Ah! It's no fair how you have a spacesuit powered by magic and song. Come here, spacesuit. Come to Doctor." The Doctor said, looking at Jared.

Another explosion blows the Doctor, Jared, and the suit into space.

Earth orbit...

The Doctor catches up with the suit and Jared catches the suit, the fanboy tosses the suit to the Doctor just before the atmosphere.

"Got it!" The Doctor said.

Country lane...

It is the late 1930s. A woman is bicycling along when she hears an Argh! and a Whumph! as something hits the ground at speed.

"Now that was a bad landing strategy for the Doctor." Jared said, looking down at the Doctor. "Thank god I managed to perfect mine."

Jared landed on the ground softly, leaving a train of music notes and water behind him, and he is right next to the crater, "Right, this looks like before World War II. Or around that time frame."

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