Cordially Invited

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Atlas Academy...

Weiss Schnee is holding an invitation to a banquet hall at the Schnee Manor, "Only my father would turn a hostile takeover into a fluffy PR move."

In their dorm room, Weiss is sitting in a circle with Ruby Rose, Oscar Pine, Yang Xiao Long, Jared Shay and Blake Belladonna. She, Ruby and Oscar are sitting in chairs, and Blake, Yang, and Jared are sitting on Weiss' bed.

"On the news, he said he just wanted to break bread and hash things out. Maybe it won't be so bad? We do want the General to start opening up to these people, right?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah, but on his terms. Ironwood's going to be locked in a room at his rival's own dinner party. I know Jacques says he's happy to moderate, but all that really means is he'll be the one controlling the conversation." Oscar said.

"Not hard to imagine how that's gonna play out." Blake said.

"If this is anything like how my world turned out. It's gonna be pretty." Jared said, sadly.

"Right. You ran away from all that."

"I still can't believe he won. Robyn was supposed to be the people's champion, wasn't she?" Weiss asked, sighing. "There's just too many coincidences."

"You really think your dad might have something to do with Salem?" Yang asked.

"I think my father would do whatever it takes to win."

"And we should do the same." Ruby said.

"After Demon's Run, I could do with a victory for once." Jared said, sadly. "And one that didn't involve love winning."

"You're right, we lost a lot recently. Where it was an ex or a battle." Yang said, looking at Blake. "But we need another victory in our minds."

"Meaning...?" Weiss asked.

"Well, no one knows your dad better than you, and out of everyone going tonight, I'd say you're the only one who could snoop around the house and not be questioned. If Jacques Schnee is up to something, I think we should know what it is." Ruby said.

Weiss thinks about it for a moment, then gains a somewhat determined look.

Schnee Manor...

An Atlas Broadcast News airship hovers in the night sky above the Schnee Manor. Four hover cars drive along the driveway loop and come to a stop in front of the manor. While Ruby, Weiss, Yang and Qrow Branwen get out of their car, Jaune Arc, Oscar, and Jared stand nearby, having already exited their car. The Ace Operatives exit another of the cars, and Ironwood steps out of the fourth car with Winter Schnee. Penny Polendina gets out of the other side of Ironwood's car.

"Suppose we should smile for the cameras?" Ironwood asked.

"Sir, with all due respect, you'd have to pay me." Winter said.

Ironwood smiles in amusement from Winter's response, and the two head to the front door of the manor. Weiss stops and takes a deep breath before following them. Everyone gathers at the door, and Ironwood rings the bell. The double doors open to reveal Whitley Schnee.

"Good evening, everyone." Whitley said.

"Where's Klein?" Weiss asked.

Whitley responds with a sarcastic smile and somewhat dramatic poses, "What an interesting way to say 'Hello, dear brother, how have you been?'"

Whitley crosses his arms and continues to address Weiss with a frown.

"I'm afraid you won't find him here. He was let go. I can't imagine why." Whitley said, smirking, and upon realizing what he meant, Weiss gasps and looks guilty.

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