Chapter Twenty-Two: Truths and Lies

Start from the beginning

"Thanks Luke." I smiled, "You're the best adoptive cousin/brother a girl could have."

"Thank you for the compliment, Ana." Luke smiled cheekily, "Now, let's go terrify your brothers."


We were all sitting in the living room, my brothers had all moved to sit on two separate couches. Jackson, Mason, and Nathan were sitting on one couch, and Matthew and James were sitting on another couch, while Luke and I were sitting on a third couch we had in the living room.

You could tell that even though my brothers had calmed down significantly, Jackson, Mason, Matthew, and Nathan were all in shock from the recent events that had taken place, while James is more confused on why we pulled him from work early.

Luke is watching everything go on with with an amused smirk sitting on his face, while I'm sitting next to him expressionless on the outside, while overanalyzing everything that had gone wrong today on the inside. How could such a perfectly, wonderful day turn into such a nightmare?

"Will someone explain to me why I was called from work, being told that my brothers desperately needed their older brother for some big unexplained reason?" James glared at me.

I rolled my eyes, "Look, I'll explain everything in due time, but before I begin-" I cut myself off, as my eyes danced across each of my older brothers faces.

"I wanted to apologize for putting you four in danger today. I honestly did not think, know, or even speculate that anybody was planning an attack on myself today, otherwise I would have never agreed to going out with you all today. I never intended to put you all in any sort of harm, and I am extremely sorry that I endangered your lives today, Nathan, Jackson, Mason, Matthew. I especially do not expect instantaneous forgiveness from any of you. I understand, know, and accept the fact that my apology does nothing to change what happened, and I do not expect any forgiveness for being so careless.  With that being said, before I begin my story from the beginning does anybody want anything to snack on or drink?"

Luke let out a small chuckle as he smirk and shook his head at my rant, while everyone else looked on at my words in shock.

I know when I'm right, and I know when I'm wrong, and when I'm wrong apologies deserve to be given properly, whether I want to apologize properly or not.

"I'll take that as a no to the snacks and drinks." I laughed awkwardly, "Alright short summary. Two years ago I left, you guys obviously know that, but continuing on, I had decided to get out of state and move to California, where I met some of mom and dad's old friends. For the first few weeks, however, I was homeless. I was homeless and living under a bridge in a tent. Eventually after a few weeks of watching me, the Crylins and Daniels children picked me up, ran a DNA test, and found out that mom and dad or Courtney and Dylan were my parents, our parents. From there, Alex and Miles decided to legally adopt me and I lived with them, quickly learning the ropes of the family business that they had decided I was going to get once I turned eighteen."

"What does this have to do about today?" James questioned, his eyes softened from my words of the seemingly horrid past I was sentenced to.

That wasn't even the worst of it. I'd rather be homeless for the rest of my life, rather than witness my entire family be murdered, like my best friends and I were forced to do. The deceit, betrayal, murder, and horrors, were however the consequence of being part of a corrupt illegal business owning family.

"I'll get there. Now don't interrupt unless you have actual important questions." I replied, before continuing on with my summary of the life I've had to live so far.

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