Chapter 21

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Bambi's POV

"I thought you walked off" I said feeling embarrassed
"I did. But then I turned back to tell you that my friend is having a birthday party tonight, so we should just hang out there." He said
"So why didn't you say anything? I asked
"Because your conversation sounded quite interesting. And I would be rude to interrupt" he said smirking

I mentally rolled my eyes

"What's your name?" I asked him
"I'm Gavin"
"I'm Bambi"
"Interesting name"
"It's more like unique" I said proudly
"Confident, I like it"
"Thanks. Hey let's exchange numbers?" he said raising his eyebrows
"Yeah sure" I said taking his phone and putting my number in while he did the same in mine
"I'll text you the address later." he said walking off

"Hello, I'm still on the phone over here." Bria said

"Hellooo" she continued

"BAMBI!" she shouted taking me out of my daze

"Sorry, I was staring at Gavin's butt" I said


James POV

"James I need your help" Kim said

'Sure, what's up?"

"Bria's not talking to me"


"I fought her best friend?"

"You fought Kevin?" I asked raising my eyebrow


"YOU FOUGHT KIARA" I said surpised

"Bria's never gonna forgive you" I said chuckling

"Wow thanks for nothing" she said walking away

"Okay wait. I see you desperately need my help. Seeing as I may be the only person who can help you right now." I said

"What do you want James?" she said rolling her eyes

"I'm doing this out of the peaceful side of my heart because I need you and my baby to get along." I said puffing my chest

"Okay, calm down buster. What's your plan?"

"I'll talk to her, no worries" I said

"And you're sure she'll listen to you?"

"Have I ever lied to you Kim?" I asked

"Well-" she began

"Don't answer that"

"No worries, you and Bria will be friends again in no time" I added

"Okay thanks James, you're the best" she said grinning

"Yes I am" I said mumbling

Gavin's POV
"So that's the plan to scare them." Dommel said
"We're showing up at the Black's house? How did you get their address? I asked in disbelief
"I have my sources." He said confidently
Sounds like a rat to me
"So there's a rat in the Black Phoenix gang, because I'm sure James didn't tell you his address." I said
"Yeah. Who is it?" Nelly, another gang member asked
"All in good time gentlemen." Dommel said with a evil smirk
"James and that daughter of his won't know what hit them." He added
"You're gonna hurt his daughter?" I asked staring at him angrily

I'm sure she's just one what fucking threat is she to us?
"I know speaking of daughters is your weak spot or whatever" Dommel said rolling his eyes
"But I wouldn't let a thing happen to your daughter Zoey. No worries man. I'm just using as much bait as I can." He added
I clenched my fists in anger
"Okay fine, I'll leave their precious daughter out of it." He said
"Are you fucking happy?" He snapped at me
"I just don't see what a 1 year old can do to hurt us." I said
"I need to pull every string to bring James Black to his knees. I'm sure that other than his wife, his daughter is his softest spot, but I guess we'll search other options for now" he said
"Be ready men, James' wife is gonna have the scare of her life." He added with a wicked smirk on his face


"Hey Boss, I finished up the report for the package coming in tomorrow" Jack said walking in
"Who's checking those packages?" I asked
"Ross and I" he said handing the report to me
"This says it's only glocks we ordered, what the fuck!" I said reading the report
"That's what I got when I picked up the report Boss" Jack said looking nervous
"Who wrote this shit?" I asked
"Ross wrote the major details Boss" he said
"Tell Ross to come to my office immediately" I said crushing up the paper
"Yes Boss"

10 mins later

"You wanted to see me Boss" Ross said

"Ross what is this?" I said calmly

He opened the crushed up paper, when he looked at it I saw guilt on his face for a second, but he quickly changed his expression to serious

I saw that Ross

"It's the report for the deliveries tomorrow"

"You wrote the major details right"

"Yes Boss"

"Ross, when we were in the meeting and I told you to be the one to jot down the major details, what did I say to you Ross? I asked staring into his eyes

"You told me to jot down FN five-seven pistols, AA12 atchisson assault shotguns and some 22 glocks."

"Yes Ross, and read what is on that paper Ross." I said grinding my teeth together angrily

"Just glocks Boss" he said looking down

"What the fuck was that Ross, do you think this is a game?"

"No Boss"

"This is a gang Ross, a fucking gang! If we're under attack right now or in the near future you think just glocks alone can help us ROSS!?"

"Not with the equipment other gangs have, no Boss" he said

"Exactly. So why did you write that Ross?" I asked calming myself down

"It was a honest mistake Boss, I apologize, and it won't happen again." he said

"It better fucking not!"

"Go write up a proper report and bring it to me before you order everything." I added

This motherfucker is trying to get us killed


Ross, Ross, Ross, what's that about?

Just to be clear, The Black Phoenix is James' Gang and Green Dragons in Dommels' gang

Thanks for reading


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