Chapter 3

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Bria's POV
I slept in the guest room
I don't think James is unfaithful to me or anything like that, but it hurt me when I saw those videos, I don't want any part of him on or in anyone else.

He's mine

Canceling the wedding would be a huge thing to do, but I can't say it hasn't crossed my mind.

James' POV
Bria slept in the guest room, I can't believe all of this really happened. She was so mad at me, I have never seen her like this, the wedding was in 10 hours and I was really worried.

I got up and went to Brianna's room

I needed to see my baby

When I went in there, she was asleep so I kissed her on the cheek and then walked out.

I decided to go back to bed, on the way there I passed the guest room.

I walked past it but then stopped.

"I didn't even want to finger anyone, Bria's the only one I want'' I mumbled to myself
"I'm gonna walk right in there and tell her I'm sorry and that I love her whether she likes it or not"

I walked in full rage and opened the door with a loud bang on the wall, I saw Bria slowly lift her head up rubbing her eyes and yawning

Oh shit she's up

''James! Are you crazy, you almost scared me to death" she shouted

"And what are you doing in here!? Its 4 o' clock in the morning ="

"I'm here to fix things Bria"

"Well you wanna know what you can do?" she said sarcastically

This can't be good

"You can go back to last night and don't finger those strippers, oh! and don't let her suck your dick, yeah that's what you can do to fix things" she said hurling a pillow in my direction.

"Babe, you don't get it-"

"I DON'T WANT IT" she said throwing her hands up in frustration

"Just hear me out"




"Are you serious right now?''

"Yes, and I want you to leave right now"

I sighed putting my hands on my head

"Go" she said

I started walking away feeling like a little kid being told off by his mom, I just wanted to fix things but she doesn't even wanna listen

Then make her listen

It was like my own little angel whispered those words to me

Bria's gonna listen to me RIGHT NOW

I slammed back the door on the wall with an even louder bang this time

"James what the fu-"

"You're gonna listen to me"



She looked taken back by my words but finally decided to shut up

"Listen, I never wanted to finger any of those strippers, I don't even know how my dick ended up in her mouth, I know this sounds crazy but babe I was drunk as fuck, I sorta realized what was happening for a while so I got up, that's all I remember"

She scoffed

"Baby, your pussy is the only pussy I wanna finger, I only wanna put my dick in YOUR mouth. I don't want any sexual relationship with anyone else, you're the only one I want Bria and I can't ever lose you or I'll lose myself"

She looked like she was somehow processing my words

"I didn't even want strippers at my bachelor party" I raised my hands in surrender

She still remained silent

I swallowed and decided to ask the question that was playing on my mind the entire morning

"Do you still wanna marry me?"


Sooo sorry for the long wait
From now on I'll be updating every week, well every weekend or so

If you guys were confused by the name Brianna, its their daughter's middle name, her name is Jade but they call her Brianna. Hope you guys aren't confused now.

Thanks for reading

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