Chapter 20

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Bria's POV
"She was right Bambi. I should've said something, especially when Kim was talking about her not contacting me"

"No shit" Bambi said
"Wow. Thanks for your help" I said sarcastically
"I'm serious though, I thought you were gonna say something." She said
"And also the fact that I wasn't there for her when her mom died makes me feel even worst" i said
"I can't imagine what she was going through" she said

Kim passed by the hall and knocked on my door
"Hey, is James here?" She asked
I tried to keep myself busy so I didn't have to look up at her
"Umm" Bambi said awkwardly noticing that I wasn't responding to her
"He left early this morning."
"Thanks Bambi" Kim said and walked off
She looked at me sympathetically before she walked off
"You're ignoring Kim?" Bambi asked
"I just don't know how to act after what happened yesterday. Kiara's not even talking to me, my best friend." I said
"And you're surprised?"
"Can you try to be supportive right now?" I said throwing a pillow at her head
"Kevin called me this morning though. He picked her up yesterday, she was an emotional mess. He said that she felt abandoned, so they spent the night together and he tried to make her feel abandoned. But he convinced her that I would always be on her side."
"They spent the night together..hmm... Are those two dating?" Bambi asked with a smirk
"No definitely not. My two best friends are just best friends, as I am with them both" I said confidently
I heard my baby cry and went to pick her up, when I walked back into the room with Jade I gave Bambi a curious look
"Speaking of dating, I haven't heard you mention much of that hot guy" I said smirking
"It's because we haven't seen each other again" Bambi said
"And what are you gonna do to make that change?" I asked
"I told you I'm gonna stay outside the pharmacy until I see him pass by" she said confidently
"Wow that's you're big plan huh" I said laughing
"Shut up. We have no other way to contact each other"
"Anyways my baby Jade and I will be leaving to go visit our daddy for lunch , isn't that right my Lil J" I said speaking in baby voice
"Our daddy? I'm sure James would love to hear that" Bambi said
"Don't tell him I said it"


Bambi's POV
I was standing outside the pharmacy for an hour now.
But there was no sign of the handsome greek sexiness
I decided to eat a chocolate bar I found in my purse, I was so hungry and ready to devour it.
While stuffing my face, I saw the sexy handsome man who I couldn't get out of my mind walking towards my direction.

Oh shit

I tried to chew quickly so I could swallow everything, but I stuffed my mouth so much it was hard to do.
I swallowed almost everything, and choked on possibly 6 pieces of peanuts, holding my neck with one hand and patting my back with the other.
"Hey are you okay?" He asked walking swiftly up to me
He held me like we were in a movie, I was the damsel in distress who was choking, and he was the superhero who rescued me.
He turned me backwards, my butt resting against his groin area and he used both his hands to push on my stomach trying to stop me from choking.

Yep just like in the movies

While I was bouncing off him from the impact, I felt his dick dangling close to my butt over and over again.
"Don't stop please" I whispered
After a few seconds, a mixture of saliva, peanuts and chocolate flew out my mouth and I wasn't choking any longer.
"Thank you, so much" I said breathing a sigh of relief. "You're my hero" I added giving him a flirty smile
"No problem. But why didn't you want me to stop?" He asked with a hint of smirk on his face


time to find a cliff, and jump off it

"I'm just messing with you. Despite the choking, I actually enjoyed you bouncing off of me." He said winking at me

I felt the blush on my face, loss for words

"Well it was nice seeing you" I said

And your muscles

"And I would love to see you again" I added

And your dick

"Okay. I'm getting off work at 4, do you wanna go for coffee later? At Reese's cafe? He asked me

"So straight forward, I like it" I said
"That's me. Always gets to the point." He replied
"Okay. I'll see you later" I said, watching him walk off.
I turned around and made a call to Bria
"Guess who's sister scored a date with the hottest guy she's ever laid eyes on" I squealed happily
"Sounds like mine. You go sis. So you got his number?"
"No we're going out for coffee later."
"Hopefully I get more than his number" I said wiggling my eyebrows
"I can't believe your plan worked" she said
"Girl, standing here for over an hour and waiting for him to pass this pharmacy is the best plan I've ever made." I said feeling accomplished
"Hottest guy you've ever laid eyes on?" I heard a voice from behind me say

Kill me now


Hope everyone had a great Christmas🎄If not, I hope my update brings you happiness.

Thanks for reading


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