Chapter 7

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Bria's POV

"What?" I said
"Yeah buddy that doesn't make much sense because we were 8" James said nonchalantly
"How can you be so calm about this?" I whispered to him
"I got this" he replied smirking
"My wiiiiiife" Frederico whined like a drag queen.
"How about a hundred thousand big ones instead?"
"That's it?" Frederico replied

Are you serious?

"One million" James said
"Make that two" Frederico said
"It's the price in exchange for our wife you know"
"I'll even make it three" James said
Frederico'a face lit up with happiness
"Deal" he said
"And I need that piece of paper" James said
"I'll go get it brother" Frederico answered cheerfully
"I don't think I've ever seen him so happy" I said
"You haven't seen anything yet..." James replied

James and I went on the dance floor and started slow dancing, soon other people joined us.
"So babe.." I started
"Yes Wife?"
Stop shittting with my heart James

"What piece of paper were you guys talking about?" I asked
"The one I signed my name on saying I'd hand my wife over to him'' James said rolling his eyes
''You gotta be careful with that guy, he'll take me to court and win just because I signed it'' he continued
"Even though you guys were just eight?" I asked
"Yeah, the age doesn't matter. I just hope you've learned from my mistake babe, don't ever sign your name on something you're not sure about'' he said looking serious.
"Yeah babe" I said

The DJ started playing Perfect by Ed Sheeran.
  "Shall we?"

The sun peaked its way from behind my curtains and into my face.
My phone alarmed
I see James stir in his sleep
I press the snooze button and go back to sleep.
~8 minutes later~
My phone alarmed again.
I pressed the snooze button, again.
~8 minutes later~
I starting thinking about all the things I had to do today and wondered if I really needed to do them.

I can do them tomorrow

But then I hear Jade crying
"Briaaa, the baby" James whined
"James, the baby" I whined
"Babe, come on I'm really tired"
"Husband, come on I'm tired too"
"Fine" he said grinning, he tried to hide it but I knew he loved it when I called him husband.
James went to look after our 1 year old daughter when I saw Kim burst into our room shouting. "James James! Mr. Dommel is in town and wants to meet TODAY" she said
"Today?" James ask scratching his head
"Bria and I were suppose to go prepare some stuff for our honeymoon" he mumbled
"I can't believe he came so early either" Kim said
"Who's Mr. Dommel?" I asked
"A trickster" James replied
"And you're meeting with him because?"
"His gang, the Dommels have the same enemy as we do and they're trying to take them out as we are, so he thought it would be a good idea if we came together, our gang and his and defeat the Green Dragons"
"There's a gang name Green Dragons" I laughed
"And this is why you're my wife" James said laughing
"Their name might be juvenile but their fighting skills aren't" Kim said
"Why do you call him a trickster?" I asked
"Because he cannot be trusted, we might be working together soon but we have to be prepared at every possible moment for an attack from him." James said
"I would feel so much better if you didn't work with him James, this guy sounds dangerous"
"Yeah so am I, I need to keep my friends close and my enemies closer" he said
"What do you mean?"
"His brother killed my father" James said

I'm back :)

Thanks for reading

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