Chapter Twenty- Confessions and Dinner

Start from the beginning

Leaving my room, I walked down the hall towards the staircase, where I walked down the stairs and entered the living room. All my friends and babies were waiting for me.

"Mom-Ana." Courtney cheered, making grabby-hands towards me.

"Hi, sweet girl." I smiled, picking her up and placing her on my hip.

"Mom-Ana go out?" she asked me.

"Yes, baby. I'm gonna go out and meet some people." I told her.

"We come?" Dylan asked me from inside Luke's arms.

"No baby." I shook my head, "This is a meeting that sissy has to do alone, but when I get home, we'll cuddle before bed. I promise."

"Okay." both Courtney and Dylan sighed sadly.

"You guys get to have fun with the best babysitters around, Luke, Wyatt, and Max." I tried cheering them up.

"Yeah, we'll have dinner, watch movies, and have ice cream too." Max cheered happily.

"Ice cream?" Dylan asked, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Yep, we got Mom-Ana's approval." Wyatt informed the twins, who were now grinning ear to ear.

"Yay!" Courtney clapped her hands excitedly.

"Now, I'm gonna give you to Wy-Wy, okay Court?" I asked her.

"Okay, Mom-Ana." she gave my cheek a quick slobbery kiss.

"Thank you, sweet girl." I told her with a laugh as Wyatt grabbed onto Courtney and pulled her into his arms gently.

"I kiss too?" Dylan asked with a pout on his face. 

"Sure baby." I smiled and leaned my cheek down by his face. 

Dylan quickly gave me a slobbery kiss as well, "Thank you, my sweet bubby." 

"I better get going, but I'll see you guys tonight." I told the group, "And girls... good luck with your jobs for the night."

"Thanks Ana." Jamie smiled.

The Smith Residence, 6:30 PM

Pulling into the driveway, I sighed heavily as my hands begin to shake. The house looked the same on the outside. The small creamy white color, with dead flower beds, filled with small weeds poking out everywhere. The grass was cut not that long ago, as it was mostly short. There were three cars in the driveway, two of which I remember belonging to Matthew and James. The third car must be either the twins or Nathan's car.

The house in front of me was not only part of my worst nightmare, but part of some of the best memories I had when I was younger.

My younger, child self would run through the yard screaming with joy as her brothers raced after her. The younger version of myself, would run out to hug her parents after they returned each day from work.

The younger version of myself after my parents died, would scream and cry down the house, hurt from the pain of a harsh smack or kick. The younger version of myself after my parents died, would cry from the physical, emotional, and mental torture I was subjected to. The younger version of myself after my parents died, would hold a watery smile with tears rushing down her face because she was protecting her older brother.

She would go through the pain and suffering, just so no one else had to.

This house was my own personal torture chamber, and I didn't know how I'd survive dinner without crumbling and cracking under the pressure of the past.

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