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Heavy panted was everywhere, seeming to fill the dark alleys with the horrid sound. Paw steps rapped against the pale stone, clicking because of the claws on the soaked paws, covered in mud and muck. Weredogs were chasing him, even if he hadn't seen them he would know very well what they were.

He jumped onto a nearby dumpster, his claws scraping against the slick green exterior. He managed to get on top, kicking it as hard as he could.


He flinched at the loud sound. It's only thunder, he calmed himself, leaping onto the nearby building. I need to get home....

His children were waiting for him. Just thinking about them made him shudder in fear, the cold stare that the eldest had, but it held no anger. Only pure fear. Protective fear of his youngest brother, too small and weak to go into his special form. The eldest was opposite, huge, strong, not 'fraid to use his claws to get his point through. He still loved him, even if he wasn't loved back.

The boy had to face demons, demons beyond the father could never imagine. And yet the father was never there to soothe him.

He cringed, seeing the image again inside his head. He wanted it gone. He couldn't feel properly after seeing it. His little boy...

He took another leap, his legs stretching as far as they could go. Only a little longer! He tried to call to the boy, with the feeling in his stomach something wasn't right.

The father wished he hadn't done what he had done: he had broken a promise, broken the boys trust. Whatever the boy had done the father couldn't have anyone to blame rather than himself. He hadn't calmed the demon, hadn't stopped the bullying, he hadn't been there for him, and now he pay the price as he stepped inside the house.

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