White Christmas || Bonus Chap.

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"Christmas is kind of dumb, don't you think? I get the religious side of it but are the extravagant gifts and decorations really necessary?" I laugh at my beautiful lady's words and pull her closer. It was just us, alone, snuggled up by the tree talking about all of our thoughts of the holidays; something I'm surprised hadn't come up in the twenty years prior.

"I think it's beautiful. People giving to their loved ones, even when they don't have much themselves. I remember when my mom first found out about Karter, she had no idea what to do so she took us on a drive to look at the Christmas lights. She was crying frantically on the phone with Nan the whole time but Gemma and I were mesmerized by the lights and all of the decorations. I love Christmas." I admire the large, beautiful tree in our luxurious home. It reminds me how fortunate I am now compared to then, how I'm able to give my whole family homes and lives that they deserved all along.

"You surprise me more and more with every word you speak. I love you, Hazzy." Her fingers trace the ink spread across my arm where the ink of her name lays and there's a faint creak of the stairs behind us.

"Bed! Now! Santa gives coal to those who are sneaky, little miss." I turn to eye Celeste and she's quick back into her bedroom without a peep.

"I love you, my sweet Bea." I assure her with a peck on the lips. "She really is sneaky, that one. She gets it from you." I tease. Her laugh is loud and it fills the silent home.

T'was the night before Christmas, when all through the house. Not a creature was stirring, not even a- well, actually, we were making quite a ruckus. "No way! Definitely you."

"How so? You're the sneakiest person I know! Need I remind you of my twenty-first? The look on my mum's face was priceless!" Bea's cheeks flame and she swats at me playfully.

"In my defense, nobody told me she was coming to visit! I thought she had Cel!" She squeals with a massive smile. I never understood her dislike for Christmas. This is what it's all about, really. The laughs, the memories. There's nothing like it in the world. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving because, well;
1. I'm not American.
2. Fuck Christopher Columbus.

So, yeah. "The Holidays" are just really Christmas in this house. It's always the same but it's what keeps me sane. We go to Christmas Mass at midnight on Christmas eve. Check. Come home, set out the cookies made earlier in the day. Not milk, though, our Santa doesn't like milk. He likes lime seltzer water. Guilty as charged. Celeste gets dressed in matching jammies with mommy, we all snuggle in her much too small of a bed and read whatever story she desires. Over and over again until she falls asleep. Goodnight kisses are given and we are on our way. Then, as cliche as it is, Beatrice and I put on The Grinch (only Jim Carrey's) and drift off to bed until it's time for Mr. Claus' appearance.

I wouldn't change it for the world, honestly.

"Harry, look! Baby it's snowing!" She squeals and springs out of my lap. My head snaps to the window and she runs to get a coat.

"Don't forget your shoes this time Beatrice!" The last frost I had to run her a hot bath and make soup for a week straight because she decided having the worlds worst cold was worth the extra minute of snow.

"You can't make me!" She laughs but decides to put them on anyway. Good choice, Dear.  "Come on! Go get Celeste! She wouldn't want to miss this!" She throws me my coat and boots. I guess I wouldn't mind putting her to sleep one more time. I didn't know it then, but it would be the last Christmas I ever got to spend with my girls.

"Okay, okay!" I laugh and clumsily run up the stairs while simultaneously getting dressed. I'm met with a cheeky-grinned hazel eyed beauty sitting at the top of the steps. "Really, Celeste Iris? You're definitely your mum's child. Go get dressed. Two coats and your brown boots." She nods and scurries off down the hall.

After what seems like hours of watching the snow fall just enough to stick, me and the girls sprint out of the house. We're immediately scraping the thin later of snow up and throwing the world's smallest snowballs at one another. Our laughs are much too loud for the hour of the night but I couldn't care less. These pretentious fucks can kiss my ass.

"Daddy, go get mommy." Celeste tries her best to wink and hands me as much snow as her little hands can carry.

"You do it. She can't be mad at you! She'll kill me." I laugh and hand it back. She sneaks up behind her and I help to lift her above Bea's head. She throws the snow onto her and Bea gasps loudly. I cant help but scream laugh as I run away with my baby in my arms. I shield her from her mum's revenge snowballs that have gained quite a bit of mass over the past hour.

"I'm so happy." It slips out of my mouth in a fit of laughter before I can even think twice but I don't mind. It's the truth, after all. I'm so incredibly happy that I cant feel my cheeks. Or maybe its the fifteen degree weather. I don't know and I don't care. The joy I feel right now is everything I've ever wanted. I just wish Theo was here, too.

"I'm happy that you're happy." Bea coos and kisses me sweetly. Celeste giggles to herself and Bea and I both roll our eyes with a laugh.

The clock out front strikes twelve, the loud rings filling the neighborhood. We all have wide, toothy grins.

"Merry Christmas, dear." I give my wife a more G rated kiss. "Merry Christmas, baby girl." I hug Celeste so tight she grunts.

"Merry Christmas, love."

"Merry Christmas, Daddy." I'm so happy.


Merry (late) Christmas! If I'm being honest, I wrote this for last Christmas but never got around to finishing it. Even a year later I was still behind. Happy Holidays, happy (almost) new year! I love you all! Stay warm and stay safe. (:


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