Author's Note

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Hi. Although I got stuck several times and it took me almost two years to finally finish, I had such a blast working on this story. It is the only story I have ever completed and I could not be happier with it. I love the development of Harry's character and the touch of Beatrice's POV at the end was really fun for me. Memorabilia is my favorite bit of this book I think, it really just adds a little something to make your heart ache. Maybe it's just me, I dunno! I LOVE Celeste's name! Celeste Iris??? Heavenly Rainbow?? Tell me there isn't a more Harry-esque name in the world. Her name was actually Celeste Noelle at first but I read somewhere online about Iris and it fit so perfectly for me. I really struggled whether or not to have Harry be spiritual in this story but I think after a trauma such as his it's best to have faith in something bigger than you. With this story I tried to represent and really express how much sexual assault (or any trauma, really) can really damage one mentally and destroy them from the outside in. It's heartbreaking but we live in world where "In the U.S., one in three women and one in six men experienced some form of contact sexual violence in their lifetime" is a sad, sad reality. We all know someone who's been affected by it one way or another. Anyways, I am very happy with how this story finished. I appreciate everyone who took time out of their lives to read, even the silent ones. Last thing, there is a sequel/spin-off! It'll be focused on Beatrice and the kids and how they cope with the loss. And their final little babies name is revealed in the first chapter! Up now. I love you all. (:

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