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  "You're going to do great, Harry." Anne smiled brightly, kissing me on the cheek. Don't get it wrong, I loved my mum, but wasn't I getting a little old for kisses on the cheek? I was almost fifteen, for gods sake.

  "Mumm" I whined and wiped my face with a slight smile after. "Does it look okay? Is it too cheesy? I've used this like on her practically since the day we met." I laughed at the poster I was holding. It was silly, really, but what girl in highschool didn't want a hoco proposal? I knew Bea did, she was just that type of girl.
  It was a big yellow poster with big black letters that read, "Bea, bee my date at hoco? I would love to be your honey!" with a wink emoticon. I had drawn some pretty rough looking bumble bees and a bee hive around the words.

"Yes, love. Now, go! She's waiting in the main room." Anne encouraged me. Not only was I about to ask her to homecoming, but also to be my girlfriend. I really did believe that I was the luckiest guy in the world. Beatrice and my mum were all I would ever need in life.

"Bea?" I nervously walked into the main room of my home with the poster and flowers I picked from my mother's garden behind my back. "I have a question to ask." Was all I could say. What? How did people even do this?

"Yes..?" Her voice was curious as she muted the TV show we were watching before I had 'gone to the bathroom'.

"Would you be my date to homecoming?" I smiled cheekily at her, dimples evident on my face. I pulled the poster to the front and handed the flowers out to her.

"Of course, Harry." She laughed and gave me a big hug. "You are the absolute cutest." Her head snuggled into the side of my neck gently and lovingly. I couldn't help but feel the butterflies in my stomach.

"One more thing?" My voice sounded low and sweet. "Be my girlfriend?" Mg hands were starting to sweat, I was extremely nervous.

  I knew this is what I wanted, I wouldn't want anyone else to be my high school sweetheart. I had a feeling in my gut that we would be amazing, that we would make it.

"Harry!" She squealed and kissed my cheek, "I would love to be your girlfriend." Her voice whispered against my skin, then she cautiously looked at me. This was it, this was what we had both waited forever for.

I gathered up all the courage I could possibly obtain and went for it. My lips met hers and we were both so nervous, so anxious. Our hearts were beating a mile a minute, it was our first kiss.

"Harry." Bea's voice was sweet and happy, like I was her favorite person on earth and she could finally, officially, call herself my girlfriend. "Thank you." She kissed my cheek and reached for the flowers that were still in my hand. By that point, the poster was sitting carefully next to us on the floor.

"No problem, my love." I cooed at her. I knew this wasn't a normal "high school relationship". This wasn't how couples our age acted, we were different. It was a love that was extremely hard to come across in the world, though neither of us were ready to admit it. That's what we had, lots and lots of love.

"Want to go to dinner celebrate? My mum could take us." I suggested, tucking her hair behind her ear.

  "Actually, my mom said you could come over to my house for dinner? If you would like." Her eyes wandered down to my lips. The kiss was all she could think about, it was driving her insane. I could tell just by the look in her eyes.

  "I would love to." I smiled and disconnected our bodies. "Want to walk? It's not that rainy today." I suggested, looking out the window to the gray Seattle sky.

  "Yes. Come on." She led me to the door, slipping her shoes on.

  I did the same and called out for my mum. "Mum, my homecoming date, AKA my girlfriend, and I are going to her house for dinner!" I smirked as Beatrice blushed at the word 'girlfriend'. "I'll be home later, love you!" I called as I helped Bea with her coat.

  I opened the door for her, following the beautiful brown-eyed-beauty out of the door.

  It was after dinner when we were sitting on Bea's old swing set, looking up at the stars. "I'm so happy with where we are." I admitted to her, breaking the silence. We really had come such a far way from where we began. My life was drastically different than it was only ten years prior. I'd grown as a person all with Beatrice by my side.

"I don't mean to be weird or anything," I began, "but I promise to you right here, right now; one day, Beatrice Anderson, I will marry you." I admitted with a small laugh. I did believe that to be true. When you know, you know. Who cared if I was only fourteen? I loved her.

"Harry?" She bit her lip anxiously, fiddling with my fingers a bit.

  "Yes, love?" I pulled her closer into my body, chuckling at the way she squealed.

  "I want three kids. Is that okay with you?" She smiled up at me, kissing my chin.

  "I would love nothing more." I tickled at her sides gently earning a loud, happy laughter. "I vote two boys and a girl." I added, shrugging a bit.

But as for you and me, we both know that didn't happen.

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