Chapter 23 (a)

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I wish my readers a Merry Christmas filled with love and joy! May this Christmas brings endless happiness and love to your life. Merry Christmas!


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Song of the Chapter : Ruelle - Madness

Song of the Chapter : Ruelle - Madness

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THERE ARE SIX SMALL SPEAKERS planted in unobtrusive locations around the library, and Debussy's Clair de Lune floats from them in serene, soothing waves. A piano, creating a light and airy atmosphere in this lonely evening.

Three injured. Three dead.

That's what all the news reports said.

Six people caught bullets that night at Nest—half of them died, while the other half lived.

The neurotic asshole that exists inside of me loves the symmetry of it. Three has always been my favorite number. Three books in a trilogy. Three sheets to the wind. They say the third time is the charm.

Three strikes and you're out. Rock, paper, scissors... Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice... the good, the bad, and the ugly... need I go on?

Hell, there are three good Star Wars movies. I'll leave it up to you to figure out which ones I'm talking about.

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