First Lesson

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Chapter 4

First Lesson

The Next Morning

"Come on, Kit! Let's go burn some stuff or something! I'm bored!", the kitsune groans as he circles around Romeo while the duo waited at the Magnolia Train Station for the others or more so, they were waiting outside the train station in the small grassy field. Romeo did his best to ignore the stares being sent his way by the other standby passengers, no doubt concerning the large creature pacing around him, as his mind dwelled deep into thought.

"Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! I'm going on a job with Natsu and the others! What if I mess up? What if Natsu doesn't think I'm strong enough? Wait a minute, I can't cast any magic, I can only summon Kasai! How am I going to fight any monsters? Why didn't I say no to coming?! I mean, she's going to be coming as well!"

"Hey Romeo?", a voice calls out, breaking him out of his self-tirade, "Why are you way over there?"

Romeo and Kasai look toward the train station to see Wendy standing on the platform in her white dress alongside Carla, staring directly at the boy.

Now the former Rainbow Fire Mage's mind went into meltdown as he was now looking straight into the eyes of the very person he has been trying to avoid since the day they came back. He felt his cheeks heat up, temporarily making him think that he got his fire magic back, as he remembers back to the other day when he saw her for the first time in seven years.


"Kit, you okay? Kiiiitttttttt?", the fire spirit says as he watches Romeo pace back and forth in his living room, murmuring to himself.

"This can't be real! This has to be some kind of joke! That's what it is! It's a ploy to get me to come back to the guild hall because I haven't been there in two weeks! That must be it!", Romeo ranted, "There's no way Nab could be telling the truth! There's no way Natsu and the others are back! Tenrou Island was completely obliterated! That's what the Magic Council's report said!"

Sensing his summoner's distraught, Kasai move toward him and began pacing alongside the boy, timing his turns with Romeo's.

"Maybe I'm overthinking this, the lack of sleep has been getting to me recently", Romeo says to himself, "Maybe, just maybe, Natsu and the others are alive and well. Maybe they are at Fairy Tail right now. No way Nab and the others would use something like this to get me to the guild hall, that would too low of a blow."

Romeo stops and finally notices Kasai walking alongside him and glares him down, "You know, I wouldn't be this stress out if it wasn't for you."

"Hey, you got a problem with the Emperor, take it up with the Emperor", was Kasai's response.

"Say Natsu is back, how am I suppose to face him with my fire magic gone, huh? How can I say he's my idol ever again if I can't even cast a simple fireball?" Romeo goes on.

But then a thought occurs to him, "Wait a minute, if Natsu and the others that went to Tenrou are alive then that must mean that Lucy is with them", Romeo says before snapping his fingers, "She could probably help me with all of this. She was a Celestial Spirit Mage and she had a bunch of keys if I remember correctly. She would be perfect!"

Kasai shrugs, "I guess. Never really got that whole key thing with the Celestial Spirits. It seemed like too much of a hassle."

"Oh, that's rich coming from you", Romeo grumbles as he looks out the window toward the forest where the guild hall resided, a thousand thoughts running through his head. After an eternity of standing there, he lets out a sigh.

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