In an instant the couple started dialling the schools number, trying to get ahold of... well anybody!! Having the slightest strand of hope that their daughter was still alive, making her way back home.

"-the children who were victim of this are;
Rebecca Scotts
Marson Clover
Ivy Vangre
Zoe Tyler
Bethany Mills." The sound of white noise coming from the phones sounded through the room, the dog whimpering at the noise but the couple. The couple was completely traumatised, "People believe it was none other than one of the other class mates, Y/n L/n. The police are yet to prove this."

"It's been years since the incident..." you whispered, sitting directly opposite the stone cold eyes glancing down at the wooden basket filled with blankets, "It feels like it was just moments ago..." your half lidded eyes looking at the statue's smiling face, hands grabbing down to the basket, in a posture that would be picking up a baby. "I'll be trying to get into U.A from now on, to prove I can be a hero." The breeze flowing through your hair in the open dome like cave with various cracks and ruins of an ancient buildings, you sitting in the middle of the aged white marble floor.

"I should probably get going mum..." standing up from your crossed legged position, you walked behind your mum giving her a hug. Feeling the simmering cold on your skin, "I want some bacon." Grabbing your oversized black jacket from the cracked marble floor, putting in on and placing the hood on your head, making sure your face can be hardly seen.

Trudging through the path of the dense woodland forest, you guided your way to the connected park. Making sure your glasses were firmly on your face, you walked through the hole you made in the wire fence, leading to the park, avoiding as many people as possible. Keeping your eyes on the floor, making sure you go unnoticed.

The easy part was the park, the hard part is the city. Over crowded with people, loud noises practically everywhere. You can't get a break! "Stay calm, stay calm, you're going to be okay..." you chanted to yourself over and over again, while shoving your hands in your pockets. Bumping shoulders with a couple of people while walking on the cement paths with your ankle high lace-up boots. Every time someone hit you in the wrong way, or on purpose you had a nagging feeling to yell, or fight, or much worse... even though you didn't really want to. But you know you had to resist those urges or things would probably turn to complete shit...

Turning the last corner to the cheap meat shop, someone came dashing at you so fast, crashing into you knocking off you glasses. 'Shit' millions of possibilities came flooding into your mind, 'keep your eyes closed, don't open them. Look for the glasses, don't rage out.' Getting down on your knees you started crawling around for you glasses, with no avail. No one even giving you a second glance as they continued on their way.

With a growl you got up, deciding you could try navigate in a different way. Grabbing for the top of your hood, you pulled it down lower, trying to cover as much as you can. Suddenly scales started forming on your forehead and hairline, clumps of hair turning into two different types of snakes; Black Mamba and Green Anaconda.

Obviously they were all the same length at the moment, but the anaconda; being a constrictor was bigger, stronger and heavier. Whereas the Black Mamba; a smaller snake is faster, more venomous, two drops of venom and you're dead type of snake.

Instead of risking opening your eyes, you allowed your snakes to navigate you to either a shop for glasses, or to get some bacon... they can be indecisive at times... they peaked through the small gaps you couldn't cover with your jacket, every now and again flicking out their tongues; smelling the air. Listening to the different timing of the flicks, feeling the movement of the snakes on your head, they guided you to an unknown shop. Walking in with your eyes closed, the pitch black all you could see, you tried not to bump into something.

Smelling nothing except the defying smell of cleaning spray, you hoped you were in the shop for glasses and not some home depo or something. Walking up to what you suppose is the front desk, your snakes turned back into strands of hair, leaving with multiple echoes of hiss' in your ears. "Hey! How can I help you today?" The supposed lady asked, her high pitched voice already annoying the crap out of you.

"Just give me glasses..." You demanded lowly, slightly sneering while doing so.

"Sure!" She smiled, "Do you have any preferred size?"

"I just need glasses..."

"Wanna go for tests to see what prescription you need?"

"No..." you growled, "I Just. Want. Glasses."

"Ya know, you remind me a lot of the girl on the news a couple years back!" You face turned to shock, flashes of police sirens ring in your ears. Soon enough your blood could boil water in snow, you hated it when people brought up that topic when you are talking to them. It's like they are accusing you.

"Cause, I don't mind the same thing happening right now, if you don't start moving!!" Clenching your eyes tighter, showing off your two sharper fangs to the lady with a devilish smile. Hearing stuttering breaths from the lady out of fear, you started growling, "Times running out, I'm loosing my patience..." Scrambling around the counter grabbing whatever she could, you could hear stuff being falling loudly onto the floor.

"He-here." She slid the glasses over to you which you took in a hurry, grabbing a couple bucks from your pocket and putting it on the table. Turning around putting the glasses on and slouching out of the shop, heading to get bacon once again. 'I hate people... they always bring out the worst in me...' you sneered while walking through the streets again, you went to the shops, started looking for the bacon in the many isles.

The thing about wearing glasses for you is; you can't see how they look or if they are tinted, one of life's beautiful difficulties... and another one which you are going to be experiencing soon.

Cold. Ever had that feeling when you're walking around and to the frozen stuff it's like winter came and punched you in the face. It's like that... but ten times worse. So imagine grabbing frozen vegetables, or frozen...anything really. It's not fun. Especially since in Japan it gets cold enough to snow. Another reason to hate going shopping...

Once you grabbed the desired bacon you stood in line for the checkout, why the lines were so fucking long today, you don't know. Snail mail could be delivered faster than the speed this line was moving, it was killing you. Deeply, killing you. You rolled your neck back, exaggerating how bored you are at this moment. Every eight minutes, taking one small step. It was agonisingly painful.

"Hello... welcome... is this all?..." Slow blinking from the employee and slouching posture gave you the massive hint that he hated this, but you hated him acting like this more.

"Yes this is all." You growled under your breath, your eye slightly twitching under the glasses.

While scanning the bacon, he looked up at you slowly with a blink inbetween, "are you poor or something?"

"Yes, I came all this way to talk to a shit head who is working in this hell hole getting paid $2 a year, cause I'm poor." You replied sarcastically, feeling your fingers starting to twitch, your snakes wanting to do something unmentionable to this... rat dunked in sewage... finally he was finished, putting in a giant plastic bag which is completely beyond you as to why.

With a growl you gave him the money, snatching the bag out of his grasp before walking away. Once you were on the pathway again you noticed that it was practically completely abandoned, wondering where everyone was you stopped for a minute, checking your surroundings before shrugging it off and kept walking.

Green. Green? Stepping back you looked down an alley way leading to a bigger alley way / market area. The main thing you could see was a giant, living snot monster. 'When did this fire start?' Looking down the normally ominous concert walls that were now lit on fire, you wanted to get home. But when you were about to take a step, you saw some powerfully red eyes and some scruffy porcupine hair.

'Someone got captured by snot?'

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